Elizabeth Caruth’s Archive


The AGI at Forty Series

How the Society, Culture, and Politics Program Has Evolved The American-German Institute at Johns Hopkins University is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Founded during the last stage of the Cold …

Berlin’s Extraordinary Election

Flaws, Failures, and Their Consequences Peter Müller, a constitutional judge, described the elections that took place on September 26, 2021, in the city-state of Berlin as follows: “One could have …

Economics of Cybersecurity

This article was originally published in German at 49security. The digitization of government agencies is still sluggish. Nevertheless, the questions of who is responsible for protection in cyberspace and where …

Authoritarian Rebels

The Reichsbürger Movement, the Far-Right, and the Growing Assault on German Democracy On December 7, 2022, German authorities arrested twenty-five members of the so-called “Patriotic Union,” a network that is …

Atomkraft: Jein

The Greens’ Identity Crisis in the Age of Nuclear Energy Expansion The Green Party (Die Grünen) in Germany evolved from a wave of social movements that began with student protests …

AI Regulatory Sandboxes

Germany lagging behind others in Europe According to its Coalition Treaty, the German government wants to “promote […] Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum technologies, cybersecurity, distributed ledger technology (DLT), robotics and …

European External Economic Policy in the Age of Zeitenwende

For the past thirty years, the global economy has operated on the premise of political alignment. The promise of democratization and the rule of law around the world allowed unprecedented …

Akron & Chemnitz

Reflections on Social Divisions & Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States In November 2019 and March 2022, the inaugural cohort of the AGI Social Divisions and Questions …

The WTO and National Security

Destress and Reform The Biden administration has reacted strongly to the ruling by the World Trade Organization (WTO) last week against the Trump-era national security tariffs on steel and aluminum. …

An Anniversary for the Ampel Coalition

The End of the Beginning Tradition holds that the first anniversary in marriage is symbolized by paper on which the future will be written. The governing coalition in Berlin is …

Compartmentalizing the Transatlantic Economic Relationship

What is the best way to judge the success of the third meeting of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) held on December 5th at the University of Maryland …

“The Capacity to Step into Someone Else’s Shoes”

How Local Initiatives Drive Cohesion and Global Progress “Social cohesion depends on the capacity to step into someone else’s shoes.” What emerged as a collective working definition for our research …