Berlin and Washington Revive Their Defense Partnership
Will Germany’s Next Government Address its Defense Spending Dilemma? German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer visited Washington on June 30, developing Germany’s emerging role as one of the Biden administration’s most …

The Future of Transatlantic Security
Bolstering the Transatlantic Partnership: What do we expect from each other? The American-German Institute (AGI) in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Defence hosted a workshop on “The Future of …

President Biden: Think Bigger and Broader with Berlin
Is the United States Germany’s strategic rival? Germany is the fourth-largest economy in the world, a leading liberal democratic power, the core state in the European Union, an active NATO ally, and …

The Transatlantic Relationship in a World at Sea: Navigating the Partnership for the Next Decade
As the 2020 presidential election draws closer, both pundits and politicians, including Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, have repeatedly termed it “the most important election of our lives.” Superlatives are …

Changing German Views Point to a Brighter Future for EU Foreign Policy
The European Union is not known for its hard power. Despite its status as an economic and regulatory superpower, the EU has consistently failed to exert true influence in crises …
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Helmut Kohl and NATO Enlargement: The Search for the Post-Cold War Order
NATO Enlargement as Order-Building Diplomacy Helmut Kohl’s achievements as a statesman go well beyond Germany’s unification. In the second half of his sixteen-year tenure, Kohl played a major role in …

Enduring Partnership
Recommendations to the Next U.S. Administration for the German-American Relationship The United States and Germany have forged a unique partnership in the seventy-five years since the end of World War II, …

Jeff Rathke discusses U.S. troop withdrawal from Germany with Washington Post
AGI President Jeff Rathke discusses President Trump’s plan to withdraw one-third of U.S. troops stationed in Germany with The Washington Post’s Karen DeYoung. He notes, “For those who think this …

Promoting Integration and Avoiding Isolation. A Brief History of Germany’s Participation in NATO’s Nuclear Statecraft
Currently, Germany is struggling to decide on a successor for its aging Tornado aircraft. Some of the ancient Tornados are essential to carry forward deployed U.S. nuclear bombs and thus …

Returning to the Past to Win the Future: The SPD in Search of a Long-Term Strategy
Still in the midst of a pandemic and trying to unify a dispirited party with low poll numbers, Germany’s Social Democrats are now trying to revive the uplifting spirit of …

SPD Asks Others to Hold the Nuclear Umbrella
One of Germany’s most significant political figures grabbed and shook an important pillar of transatlantic security a few days ago. Rolf Mützenich, leader of the Social Democratic Party’s (SPD) Bundestag …

The Future of Transatlantic Security Cooperation: Past Successes and Emerging Threats
The AGI-BAKS Transatlantic Series “The U.S. and Germany: Partnership under Stress” held its fourth and final workshop, “The Future of Transatlantic Security Cooperation: Past Successes and Emerging Threats,” on November …