
Europe Faces Open Doors but Uphill Battles with New Congress

“The U.S. is bigger than the White House,” declared German foreign minister Heiko Maas in a recent interview. In response to President Trump’s well-documented ambivalence toward alliances, German leaders are …

Report and Executive Summary: Bonn International Security Forum

From November 18-20, 2018, the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG) of Bonn University and the American-German Institute (AGI) of Johns Hopkins University hosted the third Bonn International Security …

NATO Then, Now, and In The Future

For nearly 70 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has provided a system of collective defense for North American and European Nations. Known as NATO, the alliance has grown from …

Next-Generation Veterans Vie for Congress

But will they fight for Europe? Martha McSally, the Republican candidate in the Senate race in Arizona, touts her past as a fighter pilot to ridicule her Democratic opponent: “While …

German Security Policy: Is Europe Germany’s Crutch?

The NATO treaty guarantee has been weakened by President Donald Trump’s alternating attacks on the alliance followed by effusive pledges of support. His Europe trip in July demonstrated his tendency …

The Transatlantic Security Landscape in Europe

The Oxford Handbook of U.S. National Security Edited by Derek S. Reveron, Nikolas K. Gvosdev, and John A. Cloud The geopolitical and strategic landscape in Europe has transformed fundamentally under …

How Germany became Donald Trump’s European punchbag

“Germany and its leadership are far from blameless for this state of affairs,” Senior Fellow Stephen F. Szabo tells the Financial Times in this article from August 2, 2018.

Should Germany Go Nuclear?

Should Germany go the route of France and the UK and develop its own independent nuclear weapons capability? Something which once seemed unthinkable is now back in the political discussion …

The Trump War on Germany

After the most recent visit to Washington by Chancellor Merkel in April, a German diplomat came away from the brief working meeting with the president with the clear conclusion that …

The Possible Merits of Trump’s Unpredictability

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump left no doubt about how he wanted to approach foreign and security policy as U.S. president: “We must as a nation become more unpredictable.” …

The 2003 Iraq War as a Turning Point in German–American Relations: Political Leadership and Alliance Cohesion

The article explores and explains Germany’s pre-emptive ‘No’ to the war in Iraq and argues that the ‘No’ was not a structural break in the relationship with the US, although …

Unravelling Order, Uncertain Future? – The International System and Transatlantic Relations in Transition

International Security Forum 2017 Uncertainty marks the present and future of European and transatlantic security. What kind of world order will emerge from the current crisis of liberal multilateralism? Can Europe …