The Diplomacy of Genocide
President Biden’s Recognition of the Armenian Genocide On the 106th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, April 24, 2021, President Biden issued a statement honoring the memory of Armenians who perished. …

Israel’s West Bank Annexation: The End of the Special German-Israeli Relationship?
Israel’s intended annexation of up to 30 percent of the West Bank is further straining its relationship with Germany, one of its most committed European allies, a key provider of …

The Trump Peace Plan: Can Europe Look Beyond Oslo?
On January 28, 2020, U.S. president Donald Trump released his administration’s Peace to Prosperity plan for a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The document envisions a fragmented, demilitarized Palestinian state …

The September 1952 Reparations Agreement between West Germany and Israel: The Beginning of a Remarkable Friendship
The thorny issue of reparations for war-time crimes against humanity, material losses, despoliation, and human rights abuses has dominated the political sphere in the last several months. On the international …

The Mantra of “Special Relationships”
One should be skeptical if there is a consensus across party lines in the Bundestag. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, …
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Are German-Israeli Relations Still “Special?” A Response to Ambassador Shimon Stein
Shimon Stein’s essay on the complex relationship between Germany and Israel is both penetrating and provocative. As Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of the state’s founding on May 14, it …

Germany-Israel Relations: Unique or Normal?
Recent events and statements by German figures indicate a change in Germany’s attitude to Israel. What for decades was a unique bilateral relationship – grounded in the memory of the …

A New Strategy for How the History of Nazism and the Holocaust Can Be Remembered by German, Israeli, and American Youth
Four factors make urgent the necessity of German, Israeli, and American youth actively remembering Germany’s history of Nazism and the Holocaust. First, in both Germany and the U.S., there have …

Working for Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians: The Example of Friendship Across Borders
Working for reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians is arduous but rewarding—it keeps providing glimmers of hope in a situation that often seems beyond hopeless politically, motivating us to persevere. …

The Limits and Opportunities of Reconciliation with West Germany During the Cold War: A Comparative Analysis of France, Israel, Poland, and Czechoslovakia
The seventieth anniversaries in 2015 of the end of World War II and the Holocaust have generated renewed interest in reconciliation and the question of whether the German and European experience holds lessons for Japan and East Asia. Much of the thinking on comparative lessons, developed in the last fifteen years, has focused on an idealized notion of Germany’s successful international reconciliation.

History and Memory in German-Israeli Relations: Varieties of Expression
May and June mark two important anniversaries in Germany’s postwar rebuilding and return to the community of nations: the end of World War II in Europe and the beginning of …

Defining Dualities: Context, Content and Comparison in German-Israeli Relations in the Framework of Europeanization
German-Israeli relations against the background of Europeanization transpire at multiple levels. This essay begins with the context, and then turns to the content of the link between the German-Israeli relationship …
Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman Speaks at German-Israeli Diplomatic Relations Event in New York City
On June 30, 2015, the German Consulate General, together with Action Reconciliation Service for Peace and the Israeli Consulates General, hosted a conference celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations between …