Global Economic Order


Globally Connected and Resilient – Thinking Foreign Economic Policy Strategically

Foreign and economic policies of most states can hardly be considered two separate spheres. In an increasingly multipolar world order, the return of geostrategy in the sense of 19th century-style …

Adapting the Global Tax System to the 21st Century Economy

Since 2012, the OECD has been exploring options to prevent tax avoidance by large international corporations. These efforts were massively pushed by Janet Yellen when she called for a global …

AGI Asks: What Is Angela Merkel’s Impact on the Global Economy

AGI asks: What is the significance of Angela Merkel’s policies for the global economy? Krzysztof Bledowski Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation The Germans will look back at Angela Merkel’s …

Biden’s First 100 Days: Prospects for Transatlantic Cooperation on Policies Toward China

Download Publication As we approach the first 100 days of the Biden administration, it is a good time to take stock of the new direction in U.S. foreign policy and …

The Trade Agenda for the 46th U.S. President –Advancing Global Economic Order?

As Joe Biden takes office as the 46th President of the United States the country is at a turning point in its trade policy, one where rules are likely to …

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The U.S. Presidential Election and the Outlook for Transatlantic Relations

This article is part of a new Berenberg-AGI report, “Die Amerikanische Präsidentschaftswahl,” released on October 14, 2020. An Evolving Transatlantic Relationship: From Bilateral to Global Until the election of Donald …

Trump Bobbles the G7 Summit

The Group of Seven, or G7, can seem like a creature of the late twentieth century, with its rich-country, Europe-heavy membership. China and Russia are absent, but so are democracies …

EU Strategic Autonomy: Opening Up?

As the idea of “strategic autonomy” (de jure sovereignty) has migrated within the European Union from the foreign and defense policy realm to economics and trade it has picked up …

COVID-19 and Trade: Not the End of Globalization but Changes in Value Chains to be Expected

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is massive. In Germany and Europe, but also worldwide, a large number of companies had to shut down production. Most shops and cultural …

Macroeconomic and Health Care Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic: EU, US and Global Perspectives

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic represents a major challenge for the world economy. While a detailed longer-term diffusion path of the new virus cannot be anticipated for individual countries, one …

Merkel’s Subdued Visit to China A Success?

According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Angela Merkel’s visit to China last week was a resounding success. The ministry’s spokesperson lauded the bilateral commitment on multilateralism and free trade, …

Between Nationalism and Multilateralism: A Renewed Approach for Transatlantic Economic Engagement

In a new Issue Brief for AGI, Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish looks at the opposing international economic policies of U.S. nationalism and European Union …