Philipp Liesenhoff, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Philipp Liesenhoff as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, until June 2018. In Germany, Philipp Liesenhoff works at the German …

For Germany’s Social Democrats, a Chance to be Europe’s Superman
It was 80 years ago this year that DC Comics first published Superman, and with this comic book series launched a franchise of superheroes that shows no sign of losing …

Judy Asks: Is Europe Turning its Back on Refugees and Migrants?
Featuring Stephen Szabo via Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe on January 17, 2018.
Reforming the Eurozone: A Transatlantic Perspective
Over the last decade, the state of the Eurozone has become a serious concern in the transatlantic relationship. At the outset of the European sovereign debt crisis, the United States …
A Trumpian Turn in EU Trade Politics and the Silence of Germany
On December 5, 2017, the European institutions—Commission, Council, and Parliament—reached political agreement on reforming the EU’s trade defense instruments. This “modernization” of anti-dumping legislation is, in fact, an attempt to …
Recent Authors
AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkCommunication Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union: Opening Session Keynote Speech
In his remarks to the 8th European Public Communication Conference earlier this month, Anthony Gardner, the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union from 2014 to 2017, highlighted the importance for …

U.S. trade policy in the age of Trump: What role for Europe in the “New Nationalism”?
One year ago, the American public elected in Donald Trump a president who painted international trade not as a generator of U.S. prosperity and a multiplier of its national interest, …

Jana Puglierin, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Jana Puglierin as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in November 2017. Jana Puglierin is Head of the German Council …
Democratizing the Economic and Monetary Union
With the Eurozone emerging from years of economic crisis, the reform of the currency union is now in the limelight. After the “election year” in Europe, the reform momentum has …

Europe’s Illusions
Although for more than 70 years common values were invoked to keep the transatlantic partnership together, now is the time to assert shared U.S.-German interests.

From farewell to a new Eastern policy and towards a new development
Poland and Germany were both initiators and drivers of a New Eastern policy linked to the Eastern neighborhood and Russia/Soviet Union. After WW II, Jerzy Giedroyc — a Polish writer, …
Why Austria Voted the Way It Did
The election Sunday was a relatively simple one. Voters chose Sebastian Kurz and his People’s Party (ÖVP) and the more right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) because they are worried about immigration …