European Union


The Franco-German Elysée Treaty at Fifty: A Model for Others?

The fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 Elysée Treaty provides occasion for reflection on the larger meaning of this landmark for Franco-German relations, but also raises the question of whether its …

The Emerging Transpacific Partnership: Chance or Threat for the EU?

The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the German government. Preface Following the Obama administration’s announcement of its pivot toward Asia, …

The Legacy of the Elysee Treaty

In a conversation with his ambassador to France, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer once impatiently remarked that Germans needed to be more closely bound to France for a very simple reason: to …

Europe’s Pivotal Week

This was truly a remarkable week for Europe. It opened with Franco-German festivities in Berlin celebrating fifty years of the Elysee treaty. It continued with UK Prime Minister David Cameron …

No Claim to Victory

While most commentators who listened to Mario Draghi’s first press conference in 2013 focused on the upbeat tone of the remarks made by the ECB’s president, I prefer to focus …

Transatlantic Brinksmanship

In this latest commentary originally published by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, PIIE Senior Fellow and frequent AGI contributor Jacob Kirkegaard examines the role of brinksmanship among politicians in both …

Monti’s Campaign

By finally stepping into the political fray, Italy’s outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti has sent a strong message to the outside world that it should still be very worried about …

Yet Another Year of the Central Banker

2012 was the year that Mario Draghi saved the euro. There is no doubt that it was the European central banker’s simple statement that the ECB was ready to do …

End of Year Summitry

The European Union’s end of year summit delivered what amounts to solid progress: there is a deal on a banking union and the European central bank will in fact become …

Italy’s Revolving Political Door

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti’s sudden decision to pull the plug on his own government sent shockwaves across Europe and spooked investors. In fact, many observers squarely attacked former Italian …

Zusammenfassung: Es geht nicht nur ums Geld

Seit mehr als zwei Jahren hat die europäische Schuldenkrise Amerika und Deutschland geholfen, die Folgen der großen Rezession zu überwinden. Beide Länder werden als Zufluchtsort für Anlagen gesehen und haben …

An Exercise in External Reconciliation

With the EU accepting its Peace and Reconciliation Nobel Prize, it is worth a look at an example of the EU using its reconciliation experience, specifically  in the Arab-Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This essay …