Domestic Economics


The German Industry Strategy 2030: Inconsistent and Dangerous!

In March, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier, presented the so-called National Industry Strategy 2030: Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy (henceforth …

Done is Better Than Perfect: Perfectionism is no friend in addressing geopolitical challenges that impact the German economy.

German companies’ ability to perfect processes or products is unique in the global market and lends any export with a “Made in Germany” stamp a certain level of cachet. But …

Why Germany and the U.S. Should Embark on a Large-Scale Investment Program Now

In recent years, fiscal policy in Germany and the U.S. has diverged. In response to the financial crisis both countries implemented large stimulus programs, but over time the policy priorities …

Maria Skora, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Maria Skora as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February 2019. Maria Skora is Senior Project Manager at Das …

Google 2.0 in China? A Look at the Global Competition for Tech Dominance

Hundreds of Google employees recently signed a letter over ethical concerns about the company’s transparency on a secret project intended for the Chinese market. Known internally as Dragonfly, the project …

The Lehman Lesson

Most people remember where they were when JFK was shot, or the Berlin Wall fell, or the Twin Towers were struck. Wars, assassinations, or natural catastrophes remain unforgettable among those …

Ending the U.S. Trade Deficit with Europe: Inevitable, or Unnecessary?

“If something cannot go on forever it will stop.” – Herbert Stein, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers 1972-74 When seeking to understand U.S. trade policy toward …

What Germany Can Teach Us About Manufacturing, Technology, and Trade

AGI Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke on a panel on “What Germany Can Teach Us About Manufacturing, Technology, and Trade” at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 26, 2018. …

Social Cohesion in the United States and Germany: Will Protectionism and Income Redistribution Be Helpful?

While the economy is booming, society is drifting apart. Social cohesion is showing cracks and political stability is in many places in danger. Partitioning is again becoming an issue. These …

Anticipating Economic Challenges

Geoeconomics Recommendations With radical unpredictability being a factor on both sides of the Atlantic, anticipating some of the main obstacles facing the transatlantic partnership is a core task for participants …

Hanna Wang, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Hanna Wang as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow for June and July 2018. Ms. Wang is currently a doctoral student in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. …

From Shared Commitment to Shared Strategy: Encouraging Employer Investment in Workers’ Skills

Like every economic transition preceding it, the digital transformation requires that workers update their skills. Employers on both sides of the Atlantic insist there is a shortage of precisely the …