Domestic Economics


Debt Brake Woes

In order to understand the German debt brake (and the debate surrounding it), it is essential to observe that contemporary Germans are deeply averse to debt. Both culturally and politically, …

What the Elections in France and the UK Don’t Tell Us about Europe

Political pendulums in an unstable Europe are swinging faster, more wildly, and in unpredictable ways. Except when they’re not. There is certainly evidence for the first narrative given the results …

AGI Profiles: Dr. Wolf Heinrich Reuter

State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance Dr. Wolf Heinrich Reuter has served as the State Secretary at the Minister of Finance (Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Finanzen) since January 1, …

Farewell to Wolfgang Schäuble

The Chancellor-behind-the-Scenes Imagine a mountain climber who scaled every peak in the Himalayas except Everest. That was Wolfgang Schäuble. No postwar politician reached more top party and government posts. Although …

Back to Reason!

The Constitutional Court’s decision is an opportunity for a far-reaching political change. The Traffic Light Coalition should seize it. This article originally appeared in German in WirtschaftsWoche on November 25, …

Hyperinflation Weimar

One hundred years ago, the Weimar inflation reached its peak. It remains Germany’s greatest economic crisis and has heavily shaped the history of the Federal Republic. Within a few months …

Germany Needs More Industrial Policy

The past two years have been hard for the German economy. Not only has the energy price shock following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shaved off roughly 4 …

Germany Faces a Challenging Demographic Situation

The German economy is weakening. This year, the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to shrink by 0.5 percent. This puts Germany at the bottom of international growth rankings. By comparison, …

The German Puzzle

What is wrong with Germany? The erstwhile powerhouse of Europe has turned into the only major economy that looks set to contract in 2023. The export machine is stumbling, residential …

The Return of German Pessimism

The End of Modell Deutschland Germans have been notoriously pessimistic throughout their history. Walter Laquer, a long-time analyst of Europe, once laid the origins of this pessimism to the Thirty …

The Illusion of Effortless Prosperity

This article originally appeared in German in Die WELT. Germany is in decline. Not just since the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war—the relevant performance indicators have been trending negative …

Social Divisions and Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States

Consequences for Politics and Society An Exchange Outside of the Metropolitan Areas A Three-Year AGI Project – Final Conference Summary In recent years, open communication and compromise have been neglected …

Glendale & Memmingen

Reflections on Social Divisions & Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States In September 2022 and March 2023, the third cohort of the AGI Social Divisions and Questions …

The Rise and Fall of Industrial Cities on Both Sides of the Atlantic

This article was originally published in German at the German Economic Institute (IW Köln). Buffalo (New York) and Dortmund (North Rhine Westphalia) as well as Akron (Ohio) and Chemnitz (Saxony) …