United States


The Future of Power in a Post Carbon Society

Policy Report 61 The United States and Germany must both confront the global implications of a rising global population and increasing urbanization.  Finding an approach to powering our societies that …

Reducing Vulnerability: A Transatlantic Approach to Energy Security

Policy Report 60 Energy security has become a major concern for the transatlantic community in the twenty-first century. In Europe, Russia’s seizure of the Crimean peninsula has renewed focus on …

Developing Advanced Work-Based Higher Education: What Germany and the U.S. Can Learn from Each Other

Currently, many countries are experiencing a strong renewed interest in work-based training.[1] When it comes to discussions in this field, American policymakers usually identify dual apprenticeship training as the “crown …

Rethinking Trust: U.S.-German Relations Beyond the NSA Affair

In political rhetoric, trust is a powerful trope.[1] Various speeches, policy papers, and internal notes use the term trust and emphasize its crucial meaning for bilateral partnerships. The benefits of …

Second Life of Political Leaders: A Case Study of Adolf Hitler

The Role of Adolf Hitler’s Image in American Popular Culture In recent times, the term “second life” relates to a web game in which people create characters of themselves. However, they …

A World in Flux: German American Relations in a Changing American Order

This year’s AGI Annual Symposium is framed around the idea of “A World in Flux”: the relative decline of the West’s economic power; the  need to  adapt our work forces …

Mars vs. Mercury: Germany, America, and the Global Order

Germany and America: Two Reluctant Pivotal Powers Germany and the United States rank as the two most influential and powerful Western liberal nations in a world challenged by the rise …

Safe as Houses: Comparing Housing Finance Policies in the U.S. and Germany

The recent financial crisis demonstrated that housing is a key sector of the U.S. economy, with the potential to bring down the entire global economy. The crisis also recast the …

Beyond Spying: How to Save the U.S.-German Alliance

While Washington fumbled the NSA clash with Germany, Berlin too has had a hand in stoking the heated debate over U.S. surveillance programs. Public denunciations and empty promises of retaliation …

Rebuilding the Relationship: The Undeniable Ties Between the United States and Germany

In the wake of the recent espionage scandal, it is time for the U.S. and Germany to start cleaning up the damage and rebuild the relationship. Geopolitical hotheads on both …

Setting the Stage for a U.S.-German Partnership Befitting the Twenty-First Century

Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama were right to pull the plug on the emotional debate over intelligence gathering and task their chiefs of staff, Peter Altmaier and Denis …

Dealing with Distrust: A German-American Dilemma

The Germans are once again angry with Washington. News stories about an alleged mole in Germany’s intelligence services, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), providing state secrets to Americans has outraged the entire …