Europe & Eurasia


From the West to the Rest. Changing Patterns on Global Metals and Mineral Markets: A Need for a Global Dialogue on Raw Materials in a Changing World

Policy Report 56 As new technologies develop and economies emerge, the concept of risk is evolving to meet twenty-first century realities. No longer only the purview of economic and financial …

It’s a Material World: Managing Metals and Critical Materials against All Odds

Commodity Markets under Stress The international commodity markets are under stress. Since 2000, prices have been on an upward trajectory due to soaring demand, briefly interrupted by the financial crisis. …

Debating the Role of German Leadership

What does Germany want? Almost four years after the outbreak of the euro crisis, many Europeans still ask themselves this very question. In a recent interview with the German weekly …

U.S. and EU Trade Relations with China: Increasingly Similar, and Increasingly Conflictual?

Introduction Trade is a hot topic in international relations again, much more so than in previous years. Still struggling with the negative effects of the most recent global financial crisis, …

The EU/China Trade War and German National Interest

In an interview with Spiegel on Monday, Angela Merkel discussed Germany’s role in light of the crisis and the path for future growth and cooperation in Europe. The talk covered …

The Age of Central Bank Experimentation

This publication, part of AGI’s 30th anniversary Symposium, focuses on the increasingly public role central banks play in the twenty-first century.  It asks important questions, including: Do central banks have …

Boring Hard Boards: Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Part of AGI’s 30th anniversary Symposium, this publication analyzes the transatlantic trade relationship, in particular the prospects for a new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The authors discuss the …

The Official German Commitment to Fighting Anti-Semitism

Budapest On May 6, 2013, in a major speech to the World Jewish Congress in Budapest, German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle continued an official German tradition. Like German foreign ministers …

Resetting Transatlantic Trade Negotiations

By DAAD/AGI Fellow Tilman Krueger Underlying past failures to agree on transatlantic trade liberalization are strong vested interests in the U.S. and in the EU—issues that have not vanished over …

What Do Citizens in Europe and the United States Think About Fiscal Austerity?

There is currently no national government in the European Union (EU) that is not indebted to a certain extent. The same holds true for the United States, Switzerland, and the …

NATO Enlargement Policy

In this recently published report from the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Dr. Patrick Keller, Coordinator for Foreign and Security Policy at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and AGI participant, explores the debates surrounding …

Growth in a Time of Austerity: Looking beyond Germany at the Nordic Model

Adrian Wooldridge is the Management Editor and ‘Schumpeter’ Columnist for The Economist. He recently published a detailed Special Report on the Nordic Model for The Economist entitled “Northern Lights.” He …