Russia’s New Challenge to Europe
As it becomes clear that Russia is forging a new geopolitical landscape in Eastern Europe, Europe and the United States have grappled with the question of their response to this …
Eliminating Greenhouse Gases…One Car at a Time
In response to the increase in car congestion and global warming, many countries have been trying to reduce car usage in various ways. In February 2003, London introduced a toll …
What is at Stake in Ukraine
The next steps in dealing with the crisis in Ukraine will be as much of a challenge for Europe and the United States as they are for Russia and Ukraine. …

Putin’s Predicament: What is to be done?
Vladimir Putin is tracking another Vladimir—this one with the last name Lenin—who published a pamphlet in 1902 called “What Is to Be Done: Burning Questions of Our Movement.” That Vladimir …
Forging Legitimizing Coalitions: Comparing EU/U.S. Financial Consumer Protection Reforms
What is the role of non-state actors—corporate and civic—in influencing and redirecting regulatory reforms? How do critical junctures like financial crises change interest group dynamics? Focusing on financial consumer protection …
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As the EU’s success in managing Ukraine slips, frequent AGI contributor Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg reminds us that Europe “has more leverage over the situation than policymakers seem to think they …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Unthinkable: Iran, the Bomb, and American Strategy
Just as we confront the sudden current challenges in Ukraine, an analysis of the ongoing confrontation with Iran over its nuclear strategies appears to highlight both the possibilities and limits …

What’s in a Name? The German-Israeli Partnership: Is it a Special Relationship, a Friendship, an Alliance, or Reconciliation?
As the German and Israeli cabinets assembled in late February in Jerusalem for their fifth set of bilateral consultations since 2008, most of the statements and speeches focused on the …
Putin planning ‘Soviet Union lite’
Past AGI Fellow Ulrich Speck cannot emphasize enough that the outcome of Russia’s operations in Crimea will be profoundly important for the future of international order. In his recent opinion …
Collapse of Russia’s Image in Germany: Who Is to Blame?
Identifying and deconstructing Germans’ increasingly negative outlook on Russia and President Vladimir Putin, Hannes Adomeit notes a turn in perceptions in the early 2000s as the German public became disillusioned …

Ukraine: Another Test for Europe – and the United States
Europe has seen many moments marked as a “major passage.” Most of them are self proclaimed, but one was suggested by an American. Forty-one years ago–then Secretary of State–Henry Kissinger …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Passage to Europe
The effort to create a European community of nations and peoples is one of the most important experiments in world history. On a continent shaped by war and conflict for …