Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

The Left Party in Superwahljahr 2021

If recent history is any guide, the 2021 German federal election will once again raise the question of whether the Left Party’s (Die Linke) cup is half-empty or half-full. As …

The Left Party in the 2021 Election Campaign

Fourteen years ago in 2007, the party named Die Linke was formed from the merger of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and Labour & Social Justice – The Electoral …

With the Chancellor Candidates Selected, the Election Campaign Heats Up

Postwar German politics has been characterized by long periods of stability associated with dominant chancellors (Adenauer, Kohl, Merkel, Brandt/Schmidt) followed by a shorter period of upheaval and transition (Erhard/Kiesinger, Schröder), …

Annalena Baerbock: The Greens’ Ambitious Bet that Germans Want Change and Renewal

What might the Greens’ strength mean for the transatlantic relationship? A great start is just a start, and there are five months to go until Germany’s September 26 Bundestag election. …

AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen Appears on “hart aber fair”

On the latest episode of the nationally-broadcasted German political talk show “hart aber fair” (“hard but fair”), AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen appeared as a guest alongside German politicians and journalists. …

The Surprising Strength of the Greens

Inspecting the German Greens in the election year 2021 Current opinion polls place the German Alliance 90/The Greens well above 20 percent, clearly in front of the Social Democrats and …

The German Greens

On the verge of entering government? Or even able to name Germany’s next Chancellor? March 14, 2021, was the day when Germany’s mega election year suddenly burst into life. Elections …

Episode 40: National Bellwethers for the German Federal Election?

The March 14 elections for state legislatures in the states of Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate kicked off an electoral marathon that will culminate in the September 26 German federal election, the …

The German Corona Summit Strategy Has Failed

The Germans are known for their word creations: Maskenverweigerer (anti-masker), Impfmuffel (anti-vaxxer), Coronaleugner (denying that the virus is a health risk), and the English/German tongue-twister Wellenbrecherlockdown (breaking a Corona wave …

Germany’s Election Year Enters New Gear

The CDU/CSU Struggles to Regain Traction Germany’s national election in September will produce a new chancellor, as Angela Merkel retires from public life. Her conservatives took a shellacking in two …