
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Lessons from Cyprus for the ECB

Days after agreeing to a punitive bailout, the citizens of Cyprus are getting ready to witness the end of a flawed business model. Successfully preventing a sovereign default and euro …

Growth in a Time of Austerity: Looking beyond Germany at the Nordic Model

Adrian Wooldridge is the Management Editor and ‘Schumpeter’ Columnist for The Economist. He recently published a detailed Special Report on the Nordic Model for The Economist entitled “Northern Lights.” He …

The Cyprus Mess

There is truly no shortage of reactions to the European Cyprus deal that emerged over the weekend. The plan to raid depositors on the Mediterranean island—no matter how small their …

Financing Sustainable Transportation: An Overview of Finance Mechanisms and Cases from the U.S. and Germany

Policy Report 54 This publication entitled “Financing Sustainable Transportation: An Overview of Finance Mechanisms and Cases from the U.S. and Germany” is part of AGI’s project on The Transatlantic Climate and …

Transportation and Land-Use Planning in Germany and the U.S.: Lessons from the Stuttgart and Washington, DC Regions

Policy Report 53 AGI’s new publication, entitled “Transportation and Land-Use Planning in Germany and the U.S.: Lessons from the Stuttgart and Washington, DC Regions,” is part of our project on The …

The State of the Union: Beyond Free Trade

Forging a transatlantic free trade agreement is an ambitious but elusive goal. The record of past trade talks is littered with disputes. Just recently, Europeans and Americans managed to fight …

Agenda 2010 Revisited

Ten years after its birth, Agenda 2010, the series of structural reforms announced and implemented by then German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, has become the symbol for Germany’s “Jobwunder” (jobs miracle). …

He’s Done it Again

He’s done it again. Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, has worked his magic and achieved exactly what he set out to do. This time, he talked …

Merkel’s Current Headaches

If Chancellor Angela Merkel could decide who should run Italy and Spain, she would have little doubt about whom to choose: Mario Monti and Mariano Rajoy, the current prime ministers …

A European Currency War?

Update: remarks made by French President Francois Hollande in Strasbourg on Feb. 5, 2013 concerning the need for action on the strength of the euro has only helped to stoke …

The Emerging Transpacific Partnership: Chance or Threat for the EU?

The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the German government. Preface Following the Obama administration’s announcement of its pivot toward Asia, …