
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Safe as Houses: Comparing Housing Finance Policies in the U.S. and Germany

The recent financial crisis demonstrated that housing is a key sector of the U.S. economy, with the potential to bring down the entire global economy. The crisis also recast the …

Labor Mobility

How mobile are workers in the euro currency area? Everyone directly or indirectly involved in devising, designing, and implementing the single European currency had to deal with this question in …

Turning Plans Into Action

About a year ago, markets were experiencing serious taper tantrums. At the time, ECB President Mario Draghi proudly defended the fact that unwinding outright asset purchases, and therefore reducing its …

The European Version of Quantitative Easing

Now set to directly purchase asset-backed-securities, ECB President Mario Draghi is leading the Euro Zone in the opposite path of the U.S. Federal Reserve. AICGS Business & Economics Program Director Alexander Privitera analyzes the impact of the announcement for the Euro Zone.

The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program

The Robert Bosch Foundation and Cultural Vistas invite US professionals to apply for the 2015-2016 Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program. Bosch Fellows work as consultants in their field of expertise …

Crossing the New Rubicon?

Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, knows a thing or two about the importance of timing. As markets anxiously wait for new clues from the central banker …

Trading French Reform for German Investment: A Win-Win for Berlin and the Eurozone

As economic growth in Germany falls short and French prospects begin looking up, now is the time for a new Grand Bargain over debt and reform in the Euro Zone. AICGS Non-Resident Fellow Peter Rashish details the impact of French President Francois Hollande’s recent successes in economic reform, including removing left-wing cabinet members from office.

Späte Reue, Stefan Baron

Writing a book about one’s own boss is a difficult task under any circumstance. The exercise is particularly tricky if the person in question is a highly controversial banker; if …

The Reform of the German Renewable Energy Act in 2014

 Introduction On 11 July 2014 the Bundesrat (the upper house of the German parliament) passed a reform of Germany’s renewable energy law. The reform subsequently went into effect on 1 …

Germany’s Future Iraq Involvement

Since U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to bomb Sunni extremists in Iraq, German public opinion has debated whether to get involved and if so, why. In its initial reaction to …

The Future Europe

In May 1989, U.S. President George H.W. Bush gave a speech in Mainz, West Germany, inviting—or challenging—Germany to be a “partner in leadership” with the United States. Many Germans greeted …