Peter Rashish Interviewed on Transatlantic Relations by German Engineering Association VDMA
In an interview with the VDMA, Germany’s mechanical engineering association, Geoeconomics Director Peter Rashish discusses the Biden administration’s approach to transatlantic economic relations, including the role of values in U.S. …
Episode 44: Climate Policy and International Economic and Financial Cooperation
Climate policy has become a major issue in German domestic politics and was a key topic for the recent German federal election. All major political parties in Germany included climate …
Trust as the Foundation of the Transatlantic Partnership in the Digital World
Ultra-fast 5G broadband cellular connectivity will advance a host of the technologies of the future, including Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, drones, and telemedicine, to name just a few. …
Michael Schwan, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Michael Schwan as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Dr. Schwan is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany …
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy for European Integration?
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s European legacy? Erik Jones Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Angela Merkel will be remembered for many things, but her grudging pragmatism in response …
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AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkNudging Germany toward a More Strategic Economic Role
The Social Democrats have come out on top in yesterday’s German election and are likely to lead the next government. But despite their losses, the Christian Democrats may still have …
Globally Connected and Resilient – Thinking Foreign Economic Policy Strategically
Foreign and economic policies of most states can hardly be considered two separate spheres. In an increasingly multipolar world order, the return of geostrategy in the sense of 19th century-style …
Germany Has a Math Problem, and It’s about to Get Worse
What the numbers say about the energy landscape In this traditional state of Bavaria where election banners offering defense of “Heimat” (Homeland) seized the day in the last election, the …
Thomas Fröhlich, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Thomas Fröhlich as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from September to November 2021. Dr. Fröhlich currently holds a prestigious ESRC postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of …
Trade and Climate: A Looming Transatlantic Face-Off?
The idea that trade policies should be put to work on behalf of climate goals is gaining increasing currency. In a striking case of serendipity, the European Union and the …
The Fight Against Money Laundering: Germany Expands its Transparency Register
In Germany and the United States, criminals often hide behind a complicated web of companies that does not reveal the individuals who control the entities. But there are also many …
Adapting the Global Tax System to the 21st Century Economy
Since 2012, the OECD has been exploring options to prevent tax avoidance by large international corporations. These efforts were massively pushed by Janet Yellen when she called for a global …