Putin’s Predicament: What is to be done?
Vladimir Putin is tracking another Vladimir—this one with the last name Lenin—who published a pamphlet in 1902 called “What Is to Be Done: Burning Questions of Our Movement.” That Vladimir …
It Takes Three to Tango
As the EU’s success in managing Ukraine slips, frequent AGI contributor Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg reminds us that Europe “has more leverage over the situation than policymakers seem to think they …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The New Digital Age
Chancellor Merkel was right in saying that when it comes to the digital world we are in “Neuland.” Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen agree. The opening sentence to their book, …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Unthinkable: Iran, the Bomb, and American Strategy
Just as we confront the sudden current challenges in Ukraine, an analysis of the ongoing confrontation with Iran over its nuclear strategies appears to highlight both the possibilities and limits …
Putin planning ‘Soviet Union lite’
Past AGI Fellow Ulrich Speck cannot emphasize enough that the outcome of Russia’s operations in Crimea will be profoundly important for the future of international order. In his recent opinion …
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Support Our WorkCollapse of Russia’s Image in Germany: Who Is to Blame?
Identifying and deconstructing Germans’ increasingly negative outlook on Russia and President Vladimir Putin, Hannes Adomeit notes a turn in perceptions in the early 2000s as the German public became disillusioned …

Ukraine: Another Test for Europe – and the United States
Europe has seen many moments marked as a “major passage.” Most of them are self proclaimed, but one was suggested by an American. Forty-one years ago–then Secretary of State–Henry Kissinger …
What the West Must Do for Ukraine
After a watershed series of events in Ukraine that saw President Yanukovych fleeing Kiev, the country is on the road to a new government, yet also in a precarious position …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Limits of Partnership
Dr. Angela E. Stent in The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century (Princeton University Press, 2014) has written an important contribution to our understanding of the U.S.-Russian …
Germans React to a “Year of Action” with Modest Support but Many are Unconvinced
In the days after the annual State of the Union address, Germans have been modestly supportive of U.S. President Barack Obama’s outline for a “Year of Action,” but some commentators …
Germany’s NSA Naivete
Following President Obama’s exclusive interview with ZDF on Friday, Senior Editor of Der Tagesspiegel Malte Lehming noted that the German media largely characterized the president’s remarks as “too vague, too …
Security Breach at Target Corp Highlights Importance of Research on Cyber Security
This morning, Target Corps released that there has been a security breach, and about 40 million credit and debit cards have been accessed from customers of Target stores (not online) …