Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

From the AGI Bookshelf: The United States Is an Exceptional Nation—Except When It Is Not

The story of how the United States sees itself and how others see it, its foreign policy in particular, underlines its exceptionalism. It is the convergence of national interests and …

Transatlantic Climate Diplomacy

Introduction The European Union (EU) and the United States were key actors in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations that culminated in the adoption of a global …

The Dawning or Dimming of Europe

Twenty five years ago—as the Balkan wars were descending into hell—Jacques Poos, the then-Prime Minister of Luxembourg, declared that “the hour of Europe has dawned.” That declaration followed the unification …

Berlin’s Brexit Blues: A Plan to Keep Calm and Carry On

Queen Elizabeth, the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch, undertook what was, perhaps, her final state visit last year. Of all the places she could have traveled to, she chose Germany, the …

The U.S.-German Security Partnership in Afghanistan: Lessons for Future Missions and the Role of Germany in the Alliance

Military and civilian reconstruction engagement in Afghanistan has had a significant impact on U.S.-German relations. Whilst the United States and overall NATO engagements have received much attention in international media …

Dr. Jackson Janes Discusses U.S. Presidential Election and German-American Relations

In an interview with the Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung published on June 9, 2016, AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes discusses the state of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, its potential …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Why America Misunderstands the World

At a time when many people both inside and outside the U.S. are struggling to understand the dynamics of the presidential campaign and its rhetoric this year, Paul Pillar offers …

Germany’s World: Power and Followership in a Crisis-Ridden Europe

In his recent essay in Global Affairs, AGI Non-Resident Fellow Gunther Hellmann explores how Germany, given its central role in Europe and the EU, looks at its environment and how …

Merkel On the Brink? Germany at a crossroad of domestic and foreign policy change

The domestic political disquiet over the refugees since the March 13 state elections in Germany has not subsided. On the contrary, the debate about German identity and the chancellor’s governance …

A Most Valued Relationship?

In his essay for LSE IDEAS’ Special Report “New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations,” AGI Senior Research Associate Parke Nicholson offers his views on the future …