Working for Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians: The Example of Friendship Across Borders
Working for reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians is arduous but rewarding—it keeps providing glimmers of hope in a situation that often seems beyond hopeless politically, motivating us to persevere. …

Free Democrats Thinking in New Ways
Germany’s Free Democrats stand a good chance of returning to national government after the German election next month. Polls suggest that the liberal party – “liberal” in the classical European sense, not …

The FDP: The Resurrection?
Will the FDP be returning to the stage of national government after the German elections next month? Maybe. Current polls suggest the Free Democratic Party (FDP) could be the coalition partner …

From Kristallnacht and Back: Searching for Meaning in the History of the Shanghai Jews
When the Jews sought refuge from the Nazi regime, they were most often met with hatred and indifference. Most of the world closed its doors on the Jews, and, for …

Germany’s Number 1 Task: Renew the Global Economic Order
The most important contribution the new German Federal Government can make is to support and reform the global economic order that has been responsible for 70 years of peace and …
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The Greens: The Reliability Test
It’s two months before the German election on September 24, and the Green Party is struggling to gain traction. Recent polls project single-digit support, with few indications of improvement. Not …

Neue Neue Ostpolitik
On June 15, the US Senate approved an act to sharply expand sanctions imposed on Russia in retaliation for its intervention in eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea in 2014. …

Merkel’s Method: Another Encore
Germany’s summer vacation is about to be in full force and, with it, the so-called summer hole (Sommerloch). It’s often a silly time in the news, but is also a …

Net Neutrality Day of Action: Why Not in Europe?
Net Neutrality is the concept that everyone should have equal access to all online content (email, video, music, websites) without Internet providers being able to throttle, block, or discriminate against …

A Tale of Two Communiqués
During Richard Nixon’s historic 1972 visit to China, the U.S. president reportedly asked Premier Zhou Enlai what he thought about the impact of the French Revolution on history, to which …

Germany’s Trust Test
Three months from now, Germans will go to the polls to elect a new government. While German voters are not as subjected to a permanent election campaign mode as are …