Name the Free-Market Economy – America or Europe?
A Martian is being briefed about his upcoming visit to Earth, where he is told there are two big economies, Reagania and Bureaucratia. Reagania is known for its belief in …

Changing Resource Needs for a Clean Energy Future: Transatlantic Implications – Part II
Transatlantic Opportunities for a Clean Energy Future As Part I of this blogpost highlights, the transatlantic partners face some risks and uncertainties when it comes to the resources necessary for …

Changing Resource Needs for a Clean Energy Future: Transatlantic Implications – Part I
Critical Materials for a Clean Energy Transition: Rare Earths and Strategic Resources The transformation toward cleaner energy sources entails a demand for resources that are required in clean energy technologies. …

The Possible Merits of Trump’s Unpredictability
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump left no doubt about how he wanted to approach foreign and security policy as U.S. president: “We must as a nation become more unpredictable.” …
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Germany and the United States: The Strategic Triangle in the Transatlantic Relationship
On May 4, 2018, a group of high-profile American and German government officials, think tank experts, and industry leaders came together at AGI to discuss transatlantic interests and strategies toward …

The Transatlantic Trade Drama Enters Act III
The drama over steel and aluminum tariffs is now entering its third act. The plot lines have become clear, and the possible denouements are emerging. But it remains to be …

AGI and Microsoft launch cybersecurity roundtable on public-private partnerships
On the same day that President Trump and Chancellor Merkel met in Washington to discuss priorities for the transatlantic agenda, the American-German Institute hosted a roundtable at Microsoft Berlin to …

The Risks of American Protectionism for Europe
The decision by U.S. president Donald Trump to impose steel and aluminum tariffs poses great risks for Europe and the global trade system. The temporary exemption for European countries until …