Dishonest Accusations: Dr. Jackson Janes on the NSA Scandal
Featured today on Stern Magazine’s website, AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes’ article, titled “Eure Anfeindungen sind verlogen” (Translated: “Your Accusations are Dishonest”), challenges German reactions to the revelations of NSA …
A Papal Path between Diversity and Dogma
Pope Francis stood before over 3 million people in Rio de Janeiro this past weekend, while Catholicism wanes in the United States and Germany. In this At Issue, Dr. Jackson Janes writes that the Holy Father must perform a balancing act between the distinct needs of Catholics the world over. This includes making careful choices between continuity and change.
Attempt at a “Youth Guarantee”
Improving youth unemployment has always been a priority for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration. On July 3, 2013, the Chancellor called a summit with 18 fellow European leaders and 28 …
Looking Ahead: Opportunities for German Leadership
On the occasion of the AICGS 30th Anniversary Symposium in Berlin on June 12, 2013, Founding Director, Dr. Gerald Livingston, proposed a set of four core issues for Germany as a global leader. He argues that these issues avoid claims of hegemonic aspirations and therefore, are prime opportunities for whatever German government emerges after the September elections.
A Dispatch from the Frontline
So far the European summer is proving to be a far cry from last year’s panicky crisis mode. The euro zone is still intact. The latest available data point to …
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Support Our WorkA Summer of Anxious Anticipation in the Euro Zone
Frequent contributor and participant at AGI, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard recently detailed his analysis of summer developments in the euro zone crisis. Connecting developments as diverse as German politicians’ pre- and …
AGI In The News on Cybersecurity
AGI President, Jackson Janes, has recently been quoted in a number of news articles on cybersecurity and data privacy. From a range of online and print outlets, these pieces detail …
Get Targeted Updates with AGI’s New RSS Feeds
AGI has updated its RSS Feeds to offer you targeted posts from each of our three program areas and a special feed including material on the German parliamentary elections this …
German Jihad: Reading the History of al-Qaeda through a German Lens
A new book by Guido Steinberg Whenever American counterterrorism officials met with their German colleagues in 2004 and 2005, the radicalization of European Muslims was one of the main subjects …
Elections 2013: Another Merkel Moment?
Over the next eight weeks Germans will be thinking about who they prefer to run their government when they vote on 22 September. Most polls today suggest that Angela Merkel …
The Church Committee and Contemporary Surveillance
Recently, AGI Non-Resident Fellow, Dr. Russell A. Miller, detailed the “1975 Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” and its implications for contemporary surveillance in …
Results of the Transatlantic Risk Governance Survey
In this recently published working paper from the project “New Systemic Risks: Challenges and Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation,” Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) Project Director and AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. …