

Breakdown or Breakthrough?

The past few days have certainly been rich with dramatic twists and turns in the Greek drama. Nobody knows with certainty how the story will end—not the Greek politicians, the …

The Bigger Drama: The Transatlantic Community Now Needs to Pay Attention to China

The events in Greece have taken us on an emotional roller coaster in the past week. After missing a payment to the IMF on Tuesday, Greeks voted on Sunday to …

How can Europe help the Greeks?

Over 200 Billion Euros have been handed to Greece. Additional rescue funds will probably follow. Except: The government operates in a nepotistic way and the money doesn’t go to the …

Capital Markets Union

These days, creating jobs and boosting growth are the top priorities of European policymakers. In order to do so, policymakers are focused on measures that widen firms’ funding opportunities, which …

AGI Receives 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator

We are proud to announce that AGI has recently received the coveted 4-star rating for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency from Charity Navigator, America’s premier charity …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Great War of Our Time

After over three decades in the world of intelligence services, Michael Morell’s personal biography of his career at the CIA offers some insights about how that secretive world looks from …

AGI President Jackson Janes Discusses German-U.S. Relations with Industrie und Handelskammer Reutlingen

AGI President Jack Janes answers questions from Industrie und Handelskammer Reutlingen and gives insights about the state of German-U.S. relations amid NSA surveillance debate and the TTP negotiation. Read the …

Germany Steps Up Military Aid to Kurdish Forces in Iraq

Germany has stepped up its military aid to Kurdish forces in northern Iraq as part of an international effort to combat the growing threat to regional peace and stability posed …

Other nations could learn from Germany’s efforts to reconcile after WWII

In early March, German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Japan, her first trip to the country in seven years. She met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to discuss climate change, terrorism, …

Higher Education in the United States and Germany

In 2014, Lower Saxony became the last German state to completely waive tuition fees for all students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This move comes at a time when …

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies Politics and International Relations Every year, the American-German Institute (AGI) awards the DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and …

2015 Harry & Helen Gray Reconciliation Fellows Selected

AGI is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Harry & Helen Gray Reconciliation Fellowship, which will bring the fellows to the Institute for a stay of 6 weeks …