The Start of a New Economic Era
The first quarter of the century is over. Economically and politically, this quarter-century can be divided into two major phases. The first phase can be described by the term hyper-globalization. …

U.S. Elections 2024
Outlook on the Economy, Financial Markets, and the Global Trade System AGI and the Swiss private bank Bergos have released a new report, “U.S. Elections 2024: Outlook on the Economy, …

Public Debt: Is the Next Crisis Looming?
Debt sustainability has a lot to do with trust. There are early warning indicators for sovereign debt crises that can indicate an incipient loss of confidence. However, fiscal and monetary …

Germany Faces a Challenging Demographic Situation
The German economy is weakening. This year, the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to shrink by 0.5 percent. This puts Germany at the bottom of international growth rankings. By comparison, …

Inflation: Pressure is easing, but it will not disappear completely
The statisticians who calculate the inflation rate have had a challenging job over the past three years. The calculation of the inflation rate is based on the consumer price basket …

China: From Engine of Growth to Risk Factor
The People’s Republic of China was the engine of global growth and international trade for many years. From 2000 to 2014, China contributed 30 percent to global growth, while its share …

Globalization under Pressure: Danger for the German Economic Model?
The term globalization stands for an increasing economic and social interdependence worldwide. It is, or was, the result of three main factors: 1. the collapse of communism in Europe, the …

2021 German Bundestag Election: Three Messages
The results of the German Bundestag Election leave open several questions. A total of six parties are entering the Bundestag. How can a governing coalition be formed in this fragmented …

A Digital Euro and Central Bank Digital Currencies
Cryptocurrencies continued to make headlines in 2020 and early 2021. For one thing, Bitcoin rallied again in November, December, and the beginning of January, lifting its price to more than …

AGI Asks: What to Expect from the Biden Administration?
AGI asks: What are the one or two most important areas of economic, trade, financial, technology, public health, or climate policy where there is the greatest need for German-American or …

EU Special Summit Agrees on Post-Pandemic Recovery Fund
After four days of intensive negotiations, the EU special summit has finally made a breakthrough: EU leaders agreed on a recovery fund to combat the economic consequences of the coronavirus …

Corona Crisis: What Can Economic Policy Do?
In his article on what economic policies can be pursued to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Jörn Quitzau first establishes the “exceptional character” of …