Low Voter Turnout Does Not Distort Democracy
AGI Non-Resident Fellow Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte sits down with heute.de to discuss the role of Bremen Mayor Jens Böhrnsen in the low voter turnout and explains why the new …
Restructuring Greece’s Sovereign Debt: It’s Not the Answer, Yet
Greece barely managed to repay a loan installment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this week, only being able to do so by tapping its own buffer reserves at the …
Britain No Longer Has National Parties
There is always a unique drama to an election night in Britain, but the events of Thursday, May 7 surprised even the most hardened of British election watchers (see here …
Escalation of BREXIT Risk Will Jolt European Politics Over Next Two Years
In the run up to last week’s UK election, two things seemed extremely clear: (1) the Conservative Party would not be able to secure a majority; but (2) the Conservative Party …
AGI President Jackson Janes discusses riots in Baltimore on DLF Radio
AGI President Jackson Janes joined Deutschlandfunk Radio on April 29, 2015, to discuss the riots in Baltimore following the upheaval surrounding the arrest and death while in police custody of …
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Support Our WorkAGI President Jackson Janes discusses NSA on ZDF
AGI President Jack Janes joined a panel of experts to discuss NSA surveillance in Germany and Europe in a program titled “Paradies für US-Spione: Wie halfen Regierung und BND?” Find out more …
Seeds of Hope in Bloom
There are many anniversaries in 2015 tied to the end of World War II, now seven decades ago. The capitulation of Germany and Japan ended a war in which many …
Internal Flexibility and Wage Restraint as Key Factors for the German Labor Market Miracle
Former DAAD/AGI Research Fellow Alexander Reisenbichler and Kimberly J. Morgan, an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University, recently published a chapter entitled “The German …

Elections and Expectations: Lessons for 2016
Fascination with the American presidency is a phenomenon around the world, and Germany is no exception. Indeed, it is particularly fixated on the process of choosing the next White House …
The EU-U.S. “Oil Weapon”
Figure 1: Presidents Rouhani of Iran and Putin of Russia holding discussions Since Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, decided to annex Crimea and back east Ukrainian separatists with troops, many have …
Greece and Sisyphus: When Myths Risk Becoming Reality
Officially, Greece was not even on the agenda at the Spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group last week. But the country’s obstinate flirtation with disaster was very …
The P5+1–Iran Deal
On April 3, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, together with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced a framework agreement significantly limiting Iran’s …