Europe’s Migration Paralysis
As growing numbers of migrants seek a new life in Europe, in this Project Syndicate essay former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer calls on European leaders to overcome their paralysis …
The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program
The Robert Bosch Foundation and Cultural Vistas invite US professionals to apply for the 2016-2017 Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program. Bosch Fellows work as consultants in their field of expertise …
Pleasing and Appeasing Markets: A Fatal Attraction
Following the recent and ongoing turmoil in financial markets, largely triggered by the growing uncertainty about the health of the Chinese economy, financial investors have started to expect and demand …
Anti-Corruption in Germany
Germany has traditionally been seen as a country where corruption is under control. This was further supported when Transparency International (TI), the largest and most prominent anti-corruption NGO, published its …
Fear Factors
Plato once wrote, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” Fear is …
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Support Our WorkRefugees in Germany
As Europe–and Germany in particular–copes with the influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa, it is facing political and public resistance to its humanitarian efforts. As this recent …
The 70th Anniversary of World War II
No matter what inscrutable socio-biological function they may serve, all anniversaries are constructs. This is a point worth recalling as we celebrate for the 70th time the end of World …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Zwischen Koran und Kafka: West-östliche Erkundungen
Those who can build effective bridges between Islam and the West are rare. Navid Kermani is one. He has a unique command of German literature which, combined with his Iranian …
The Beijing–Berlin Connection
It is peak tourist season in China for European leaders. Shortly after the first bailout package to Greece in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 56th birthday with Xi’an’s …
“Grief” and “Remorse” Mark Japanese Remarks on the Anniversary of the End of World War II
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s statement last Friday on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II expressed “feelings of profound grief” and his condolences for those who …
Managing Global Migration
Seventy years ago, one of the largest movements of refugees in European history was taking place following the capitulation of Germany and the end of war on the continent. Europe …
The New Greek Bailout and the Never-Ending Political Fallout in Germany
Greece and its international creditors moved closer to securing a third bailout on Tuesday, paving the way for national parliaments to vote on the agreement before a crucial repayment to …