International Security in the 21st Century
On November 21, 2016, AGI co-hosted the Bonn Security Forum together with the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG) at the Universität Bonn. The following report is a result …

History Does Not Repeat Itself. People Do.
It is said that Mark Twain once commented, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Maybe a more accurate version is that history doesn’t repeat itself, but people often …
From the AGI Bookshelf: Mittelstand ist eine Haltung
There are some words in German that are hard to translate: Gemütlich, fahrvernügnen, or Gesamtkonzept Mittelstand is another example. Technically it means small and middle-sized firms. But that is an elastic …
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From the AGI Bookshelf: Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations
Thomas Friedman has the talent to write about complicated subjects in a way that normal people can wrap their heads around. He does this by choosing an overarching theme and …

In Trade Policy, the Best Defense Remains a Good Offense
The hometown Washington Redskins may have just missed making it to the playoffs of the National Football League championships this season. But they showed once again how important a strong …
President Trump: Europe’s Last Chance?
Donald Trump’s election as American president is the latest and most dramatic sign of a major political and social sea change, the effect of which we are just beginning to …
New Strategic Airlift Agreements with Russia and Ukraine
Germany and nine of its NATO/EU allies and partners will continue relying on Russian and Ukrainian An-124 aircraft to transport heavy and outsize loads in support of their international military …
A Missed Opportunity for Even Greater Influence
Of the U.S.’ trade policy and trade relationships over the past twenty-five years, Robert Zoellick, former World Bank president, U.S. Trade Representative, deputy Secretary of State, and AGI Trustee, writes …
Protecting the World’s Most Influential People: Same Problem, Different Solution
Ever tried to come up with a list of what German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President-elect Donald Trump have in common? Presumably, for most people, the list will be short. …
Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future: The Speeches of Roman Herzog
On the occasion of the death of Roman Herzog, Germany’s seventh federal president (1994-1999), we are pleased to present this volume of speeches AGI published in 1997 during a visit …