Episode 11: Inequality and Social Division: An Economic Perspective
Globalization and technological change have reshaped the world economy and have been vital sources of economic growth and prosperity in the United States and Germany for a decade. Yet polarization …
Episode 09: Legacy of the “Hinge” Years: 1990 to Today
Divided Germany was a microcosm of the standoff between West and East, and the Berlin Wall was the iconic symbol of the Iron Curtain (listen to Episode 2 with Mary …
Episode 08: German and European Security at a Crossroads
As the March 29 deadline for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union approaches, no one knows how it will ultimately turn out. But some lessons are apparent despite the …
Episode 07: Muslim Women’s Experiences in Germany and the U.S.
Muslims have lived in Germany in significant numbers for decades; in 1961 the Federal Republic concluded an agreement with Turkey that would ultimately bring nearly a million Turkish workers to …
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Support Our WorkEpisode 06: Competing Visions for a New Era of Globalization
The U.S. economic relationship with Europe is the most intense and largest economic relationship on the planet. Bigger than U.S.-China trade, or any other for that matter. Earlier this week, …
Episode 05: Transatlantic Relations and the Evolving View of China
China has represented opportunity—both geopolitical and economic—since its dramatic openings in the 1970s. There are, of course, the opportunities for China itself: hundreds of millions of people have escaped poverty …
Episode 04: One of the Largest Deals Ever Made: Talking Trump, China, and Trade
On December 1, President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping met during the G-20 summit in Argentina and agreed, it seems, to put the economic disputes on ice. No raising …
Episode 03: Burdensharing within NATO: Do more, spend more?
No relationship is without its difficulties and disagreements, not even between societies as close as the U.S. and Europe. For almost as long as NATO has existed, Washington has wanted …
Episode 02: The Wall: Legacy of Divided Berlin
When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, it was a surprise to many. For an entire generation, the Berlin Wall was the most iconic physical manifestation of the …
Episode 01: Talking Transatlantic Trade: Will the truce hold?
Trade is a top issue in the transatlantic relationship. Since he took office, President Trump has been focused on the U.S. trade deficit and economic competition with Europe, with China, …