’s Archive


Steps to Creating a Bicycle-Friendly City

Did you know that there is approximately one bicycle trip taken in the U.S. for every twenty taken in Germany? AGI Fellow and Assistant Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning …

Schatzkammer Arktis

Professor Dr. Helga Haftendorn, a former Professor of International Relations at the Free University Berlin and AGI participant, examines Germany’s interest in the Arctic’s natural resources, particularly the interests of …

Has Germany Been Successful Running a High-Wage Manufacturing Sector?

Throughout Germany’s handling of the euro zone crisis, much has been made of its strong economy – particularly in the manufacturing sector – as an example for the less economically stable countries to follow. However, as Dr. Stephen Silvia points out, Germany’s success in high-wage manufacturing jobs may not be all it is cracked up to be.

National ID: Fear Meets Fairness

In a somewhat overlooked decision of the Supreme Court, the key provision of Arizona state’s immigration law is ruled constitutional. Giving rise to calls for and against this “your papers, …

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies

DAAD Prize 2012 DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies Politics and International Relations Every year, the American-German Institute (AGI) awards the DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship …

Europe’s Unclear Horizons

Geithner’s visit to the German island of Sylt this week to discuss plans for navigating the euro crisis clearly signals Washington’s growing discomfort with Europe’s economic situation. As AICGS President Jack Janes points out, leaders on both sides of the Atlantic are feeling the pressure to find clearer horizons amidst the turbulent economic forces battering their economies.

Draghi’s Master Plan

The President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi disappointed financial markets on Thursday when he announced that the ECB will wait to restart its bond buying program. However, a closer look at what Draghi said during his press conference should encourage both investors anxious for quick action and skeptics in Germany alike. Draghi has a plan, but he is still resisting the temptation to let politicians off the hook.

Constitutional Review and the German Bailout Controversy

The United States Supreme Court and Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court have recently become the focal point over a series of hotly debated political issues in their respective countries. As they decide on issues that could have far reaching political consequences, Donald Kommers examines the frameworks under which both courts operate.

“Who’s Picking Up This Bill?”

The struggle over sharing the burden of a weak economy in Europe has generated tension not only between countries, but also within them. Germany is no exception – the national debate about subsidies for the Länder is reflective of the larger European debate about fiscal reform.

High Drama in the High Court? ESM and Fiscal Compact in Legal Limbo

For months, policymakers and public alike could only wait with bated breath for the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on President Obama’s health care reform law. As they pondered and deliberated …

Die Betreuungsgeld-Debatte: Implications for Integration

On June 6, 2012, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet approved a proposal that would issue financial support (a so-called Betreuungsgeld, or child care subsidy) to families who care for their toddlers …

Supervising Sovereignty: Germany’s Constitutional Court at Work

However long it takes for the Federal Constitutional Court to rule on the legality of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the end result will be another chapter in the interpretation …