Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in Germany
AGI Minority Exchange Program Immigration and integration challenges are at the forefront of policy discussions in the U.S. and Germany. How can our societies adapt to newcomers and what services …

Deepening the Transatlantic Dialogue on Financial Regulation
Are Our Financial Systems Sound and Stable? Since the reform overhauls following the crisis in 2008, experts have agonized about the question whether financial systems across the Atlantic are sound …

Teachers as “Civil Ambassadors” for German-American Dialogue and Understanding
Public debate about the transatlantic partnership on the civil society level and programs to foster international understanding often focus on the potential of the younger generations. In the present situation, …

Arise and Shine! The Role of Korean Protestant Churches in a Time of Conflict
In world history, Christianity was sometimes a source of conflict as shown in the cases of the Crusades and the Thirty Years’ War. On the other hand, Christian churches also …

Anticipating Economic Challenges
Geoeconomics Recommendations With radical unpredictability being a factor on both sides of the Atlantic, anticipating some of the main obstacles facing the transatlantic partnership is a core task for participants …
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Keep Calm and Fill In the Gaps
A thoughtful response and an ambitious European agenda are Germany’s best options for the Trump era The world, America, and transatlantic relations have survived the first year of the Trump …

Encouraging Civil Society in the Transatlantic Space
Society, Culture & Politics Recommendations The recommendations presented here build on discussions held in 2017-2018 as part of the AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, …

Yesterday’s Hiding Places are Tomorrow’s Stages: Reconciliation, community building, and transatlantic relations
Civil society in Germany and the United States largely enjoys freedom to act and to shape society. In so doing, people of both countries belong to the just 2 percent …

Back to Basics: Call for a Transatlantic Discussion on the Value of Migration and Democracy
Transatlantic estrangement has been going on for a while. And while it hurts Atlanticists, there is no point in trying and to “repair” U.S.-German relations for the sake of it. …

Assessing Transatlantic Fallout after the U.S. Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal
The U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has occasioned another round of reflection on the state and future of the transatlantic alliance. Though subject to significant skepticism and some …

The Future of Transatlantic Relations: Necessary and Possible Cooperation at Two Levels
The traditional transatlantic alliance, based on common values and strategic cooperation, is seriously questioned. The U.S. has been turning away from its role as a strong leader and reliable partner …

From Shared Commitment to Shared Strategy: Encouraging Employer Investment in Workers’ Skills
Like every economic transition preceding it, the digital transformation requires that workers update their skills. Employers on both sides of the Atlantic insist there is a shortage of precisely the …