Legislation & the Courts


Olaf Scholz and the Cum-Ex Scandal

Why the German chancellor is stuck in a nasty multibillion dollar tax evasion scandal It can be blurry sometimes, the line between tax evasion—a criminal offense—and tax avoidance—morally questionable or …

“We’ve had abortions!”

Abortion in Germany since the Stern Self-Incrimination Campaign 50 Years Ago In March 2020, the UN Officer for Human Rights in Geneva sent a critical letter to the German Ambassador …

Cleaning Up an Over-engineered Mess? German Electoral System Reform

Germany’s electoral system is back in the news because the governing coalition has been considering making some alterations to address consequences of the last set of changes that went into …

Enduring Partnership

Recommendations to the Next U.S. Administration for the German-American Relationship The United States and Germany have forged a unique partnership in the seventy-five years since the end of World War II, …

Weighing European Integration against Democracy? The German Constitutional Court’s Decision on ECB Operations

The German Constitutional Court may have dealt a major blow to European integration when it recently ruled that the federal government and the German parliament had violated the rights of …

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Kathrin Loer, Visiting Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Kathrin Loer as an NRW Fellow at AGI from October to December 2019. Prior to her research stay at AGI, she was a visiting professor for …

The Past Shapes the Future: The German Constitution at 70

The Federal Republic of Germany celebrates its 70th  birthday this year. Much has changed since 1949. Today, the FRG encompasses all of Germany and not just the West, as it …

Marcus Müller, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Marcus Müller as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in November 2018. Marcus Müller is a Research Associate, Lecturer, and …

How to Kill an Idea: An American’s Observations on the NPD Party-Ban Proceedings

How should a democracy protect itself from forces that seem intent on destroying freedom and open discourse?  The German constitution (Basic Law) establishes a “militant democracy” that is prepared to …

German Military Aid to the Kurdish Peshmerga

The German government’s decision to provide arms and military equipment to aid the Kurdish Regional Government in its fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant provides further …

Germany’s Proliferating Parliament

Germany’s Bundestag contains one of the largest numbers of elected officials in the world—and it is about to get even bigger. Currently housing 620 members, the size of the Bundestag …

The Church Committee and Contemporary Surveillance

Recently, AGI Non-Resident Fellow, Dr. Russell A. Miller, detailed the “1975 Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” and its implications for contemporary surveillance in …

Supervising Sovereignty: Germany’s Constitutional Court at Work

However long it takes for the Federal Constitutional Court to rule on the legality of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the end result will be another chapter in the interpretation …

Managing Majorities

In this weeks At issue, Executive Director Jack Janes looks at Chancellor Merkel’s struggle to sustain political support for the increasingly complicated agenda of the euro zone, as well as the interests and actors shaping the battle lines.

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