Immigration & Integration


A Survivor’s Luck: Reflections on Berlin and Shanghai

Harry Katz is lucky.[1] As a man who has had a life-long love of numbers, he knows the odds were stacked against him from the beginning: He was born a Jew …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Wir können nicht allen helfen

Just before the German elections in September 2017, Boris Palmer, the mayor of Tübingen presented a new book he wrote about the refugee crisis in Germany: Wir können nicht allen helfen: …

Judy Asks: Is Europe Turning its Back on Refugees and Migrants?

Featuring Stephen Szabo via Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe on January 17, 2018.

Between Renewal and Responsibility: The SPD in the Face of the Paralysis of the Political Center in Germany

With the beginning of exploratory talks between SPD and CDU/CSU on January 7, 2018, the German political system offers a last opportunity to form a stable government after the September …

Shattered by Glass: Working through Memories of Kristallnacht and Shanghai

We should learn from this story of the Shanghai Jews. But we haven’t learned.

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in the United States

AGI Minority Exchange Program The German-American youth exchange program on the theme “Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation” is an innovative program which establishes new connections between communities that …

Records of Shanghai: One Man’s Quest to Validate Memories of a Family’s Refugee Past

Eric Kisch is a historian.  Although he does not hold a Ph.D. and made a comfortable living as a market researcher, he is a historian nonetheless.  The signs are all …

From Kristallnacht and Back: Searching for Meaning in the History of the Shanghai Jews

When the Jews sought refuge from the Nazi regime, they were most often met with hatred and indifference. Most of the world closed its doors on the Jews, and, for …

Democracy Is Being Questioned? Let Us Invest in Civic Education!

Current discussions about the role and force of civil society in different countries around the world mark a situation in which democratic structures are in various ways endangered by political …

Walls Against Migration? About Perceived Truth in the U.S. Migration Debate and the Effectiveness of Border Protection Measures

Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border shines a spotlight on the issue of border protection. This article investigates how effectively walls and border control measures …

Working toward Being an Inclusive, Welcoming Home for Immigrants and Their Families

I recently visited Charlotte, North Carolina with a small group convened by the American-German Institute (AGI). The purpose of the trip was to examine how Charlotte, a city with a …

Integrating Refugees into the Workforce: A Shared Migration Challenge of the United States and Germany

When it comes to migrants and refugees, the policy differences between the U.S. and Germany are vast these days. Trump and Merkel seem polar opposites: One trying to halve refugee …