Immigration & Integration


Trump’s Ambassador in Berlin Will Push to Decriminalize Homosexuality Worldwide. Surprised? Here’s Why.

In February 2019, U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell announced that the U.S. would push to decriminalize homosexuality globally. Sexual relations between two people of the same sex is criminalized …

Muslim Women in Germany and the United States

Common and Complex Challenges Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of practitioners and experts from Germany and the United States, this workshop held on February 20, 2019, focused on the economic …

Populists Keep Winning the Messaging War in Europe Over Migration

European leaders gathered twice last year to try and develop an EU-wide approach to the still-divisive issues of migration and the integration of refugees, and both times they failed to reach …

Migration – A Global Reality or Threat

On December 12, 164 nations ratified the United Nations-Migration Pact (or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) at a UN conference in Marrakesh, the very first of its …

How Much Can Education Serve as a Mechanism for the Integration of Minorities and Immigrants?

Experiences from Germany and the United States In both the United States and Germany education is key for the successful integration of society and an acceptance of diversity. Diversity education, …

The German Model and its Discontents

Germany and the United States share a legal tradition and constitution that promotes equality for all those living within its borders. However, real world examples show that within these borders …

Refugees bring the downfall of Germany’s Angela Merkel

AGI President Jeff Rathke spoke with NewstalkZB, a nationwide New Zealand talk radio network, about the role that the refugee crisis played in Merkel’s and the CDU’s declining popularity and …

Berlin Protests Highlight Need for Sound Employment Discrimination Laws in Germany

This past weekend, tens of thousands of protestors gathered in Berlin to take part in a demonstration to support an “open and free” German society. Organizers planned the #unteilbar demonstration …

Ufuk Topkara, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Ufuk Topkara as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018. He has been active in promoting inter-religious dialogue since 2005 as an expert on …

AGI Launches Project on Integration in Germany as part of the “Year of German-American Friendship”

Washington, DC, October 3, 2018 – The American-German Institute (AGI) at Johns Hopkins University announced today that it has received a grant from the German Federal Foreign Office to support …

A Specter Is Haunting Europe

The thirteen-year era of “Mutti” (“mama”) Angela Merkel just ended—not with a bang, but with a whimper. Germany’s most beloved politician for a long decade was not voted out of …

The Hijacking of the German Immigration Debate

When the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) had their ugly spat over migration in July, few would have expected it to result in a new …