Immigration & Integration


The Entertainer: Mark Newton’s Raison d’être

When the door opens at Mark Newton’s condominium in Yardley, Pennsylvania, it is as if a curtain has been drawn back from the stage. One is immediately met with movie …

Xenophobia in East Germany

A commonality found between the former communist state and a current AfD stronghold? In recent years, global politics has seen a rise of far-right and far-left ideologies that seek to …

A Bundestag of Color?

An Intersectional Analysis of Diversity in the German Parliament Equality is the cornerstone of a democracy. Research on gender, sexuality, and ethnicity/race in politics demonstrates that diversity improves the quality …

Integration Interrupted?

Some Effects of COVID-19 in Germany During the Coronavirus pandemic, the issues surrounding refugees, immigration, and integration have largely receded into the background in both Germany and the United States. …

Easier Said than Done – Still, Germany and the U.S. Need to Break the Cycle on Migration

Looking back after five years, Germany’s relative success with the more than 1.1 million people who arrived in 2015 is a vindication of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s belief in Germany’s can-do …

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We Could Schaffen Das, But We Won’t

EU migration policy reform still stalled five years after peak of crisis The crisis that hit Europe in 2015 has never gone away. This summer, Germans reflected on the fifth …

Countering Racism and Anti-Extremism in Germany

On May 20, just days before the United States became engulfed in another serious crisis over the issue of racism and racial violence, the first meeting of the German federal …

Lost in Translation: The Meaning of Sanctuary for Immigrants in the U.S. and Germany

The American concept of “sanctuary cities” for asylum seekers is foreign—and somewhat incomprehensible—to Germans. In the United States, “sanctuary jurisdictions” are relatively few, and they are established to protect immigrants …

“Your Homeland is our Nightmare”: Viable Conservatism Amid Far-Right Terror

In the weeks following political turmoil in eastern German state of Thuringia over unprecedented collaboration between mainstream German parties and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in supporting the Free …

Europe Is Careening toward a Crisis of Its Own Making: Immigration, Coronavirus, and the End of European Values

On February 14, France announced the first coronavirus death in Europe. By the end of the month, cases had spread throughout Europe and spiked in Italy. On March 9, Italian …

AGI is now accepting applications for its project “Social Divisions and Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States”

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, dates for the second year of the AGI project “Social Divisions in Germany and the U.S.” have shifted. The program will now take place …

Immigration and Questions of Identity in Akron, Ohio

Overview of Issues The United States, built on a history of immigration, is no stranger to questions of integration, identity, and social cohesion. It has long grappled with these questions, …