Holding the Center Together: The Challenges of 2016 and Beyond
2015 did not end well for President Obama. 2016 did not begin well for Chancellor Merkel. But they will both face even more serious challenges in the new year. For …
Impact of the Paris Attacks on Immigration Policy
After the worst attacks on French soil since World War II, anxiety is growing across Europe—including in Germany—on the topic of immigration. The Paris attacks have raised fears that IS …
AGI Transatlantic Exchange Program: Giving Voice to Future Leaders
From October 11-15, 2015, AGI convened the inaugural group of young leaders in its new AGI Transatlantic Exchange Program: Giving Voice to Future Leaders. The participants engaged in exchanges and …
The Perfect Storm
The ongoing refugee crisis has exposed new cracks in the European Union. While some European leaders, including those in the German government, had been reluctant to define the debt crisis …
Merkel and Hollande Address European Parliament
In recent years, as Europe has confronted crisis after crisis, we have seen the importance of German leadership, and of integrating that leadership into a community of nations working toward …
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Support Our WorkJoschka Fischer on German Leadership, the Refugee Crisis, and Chancellor Merkel
From the Jacques Delors Institute, former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer speaks on the topics that are dominating the discussion in Europe: German leadership, the ongoing migrant crisis, and the …
Redefining What It Means To Be German
The fall of the Iron Curtain and the onset of German unification in 1990 brought hopes that Europe would quickly come to enjoy an unprecedented “peace dividend,” coupled with unparalleled …

The Migration Crisis: A Test to the Union
Germany is a nervous country right now—nervous about what can go wrong. But it is also a moment in which Germany has to demonstrate leadership in its own interests and …
The Refugee Crisis
For Europe, the current refugee crisis presents a two-fold challenge: Will we uphold our humanitarian values, that is, do we view the refugees as people in need and with a …
AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes Discusses Cooperation with Russia
Intensifying pressure brought on by waves of refugee migrants to Europe has generated much debate about Germany’s and Europe’s foreign policy choices regarding the war in Syria. On September 18, …
Immigration Developments
As the influx of migrants making the strenuous trip to Europe continues, it is becoming obvious that if Europe as whole does not agree on a unified solution, it will …
Wir brauchen das Militär
As the magnitude of the refugee crisis becomes ever more apparent, Wolfgang Ischinger, head of the Munich Security Conference and an AGI Trustee, weighs in on the steps Europe and …