Addressing Germany’s Medical Personnel Shortage
The Untapped Potential of Physician Assistants Germany is grappling with a significant shortage of medical personnel that is likely to be exacerbated by an aging population of doctors and increasing …

Building Queer Community in the Birthplace of the LGBTQ+ Movement
The Stonewall Rebellion in New York’s Greenwich Village catalyzed the worldwide LGBTQ+ rights movement. In September 2024, participants of the second cohort of AGI’s project, Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany …

The Struggle for Equitable Healthcare
The Rights of Transgender and Non-Binary People in Germany and the United States As the struggle for equitable healthcare for transgender and non-binary individuals persists globally, a comparative analysis of …

AGI Profiles: Yvonne Magwas
Vice President of the Bundestag The former Auerbach, Saxony, city councilwoman was elected Vice President of the Bundestag with 600 votes on October 26, 2021—the highest-ranking office left for the …

The 9-Euro Ticket
A one-off low-cost and climate friendly public transportation measure in Germany has expired. Will the German government continue it? The 9-euro ticket, a one-time, low-cost public transportation measure introduced in …
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Scientific advisors in health systems and their effect on politics In 2007, the German novelist Juli Zeh published a play in which people live in a health dictatorship. Her dystopian …

Transatlantic Pandemic Response Shortcomings Highlight Need for More Robust Public Health Communications Infrastructure
As we enter May 2022, both the United States and Germany have reached similar inflection points in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Highly effective vaccines and boosters are widely available to …

The German Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Failure or Success? As we are heading into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must admit that the Coronavirus remains a sticky challenge—locally and globally. As of the …

Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
A U.S. Public Health Perspective One month shy of two years into a global pandemic caused by the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Associated Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), with news of …

Challenges for the German Healthcare System in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a spotlight on two major weaknesses of the German healthcare system: First, the glaring lack of digitization, leading to a lack of data and prevention …
Alissa Bellotti, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Alissa Bellotti as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from August to October 2021. Dr. Bellotti is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Haifa in …

The Reinvention of State Services?
The Role of Organizational Purpose for Publicly Owned Companies in Germany Purpose is one of the key concepts of our time when it comes to a new entrepreneurial understanding. Companies …

“We’ve had abortions!”
Abortion in Germany since the Stern Self-Incrimination Campaign 50 Years Ago In March 2020, the UN Officer for Human Rights in Geneva sent a critical letter to the German Ambassador …

The German Corona Summit Strategy Has Failed
The Germans are known for their word creations: Maskenverweigerer (anti-masker), Impfmuffel (anti-vaxxer), Coronaleugner (denying that the virus is a health risk), and the English/German tongue-twister Wellenbrecherlockdown (breaking a Corona wave …