German-American Leadership


The Effects of Populism on the Transatlantic Alliance – from Friend to Business Partner

On the issue of countering populist parties and regaining votes from those who defected to extreme candidates in the 2016 U.S. elections and 2017 German elections, there is a silver …

“Trump hat Merkel von Anfang an als Rivalin wahrgenommen”

Featuring Jackson Janes via t-online on April 25, 2018.

Merkel’s Return Engagement: An Ambitious Agenda, Too Little Time

When Angela Merkel visits Donald Trump on April 27, the meeting of two vastly different personalities may again be awkward, but it may also yield some reminders of just how …

The 2003 Iraq War as a Turning Point in German–American Relations: Political Leadership and Alliance Cohesion

The article explores and explains Germany’s pre-emptive ‘No’ to the war in Iraq and argues that the ‘No’ was not a structural break in the relationship with the US, although …

Jörn Quitzau, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Jörn Quitzau as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in April 2018. Joern Quitzau (PhD, University of Hamburg) is a Senior …

Trump außer Kontrolle? Interview with Jackson Janes

Featuring Jackson Janes via ARD on March 24, 2018.

Unravelling Order, Uncertain Future? – The International System and Transatlantic Relations in Transition

International Security Forum 2017 Uncertainty marks the present and future of European and transatlantic security. What kind of world order will emerge from the current crisis of liberal multilateralism? Can Europe …

Aylin Matlé, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Aylin Matlé as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in March and April 2018. Aylin Matlé is a research assistant …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Making the Unipolar Moment: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Rise of the Post-Cold War Order

At a time when there is a ferocious debate over the global role and responsibility of the United States, there is a benefit to looking back on the course of …

The Munich Security Conference and the Transatlantic Partnership

At the 2018 Munich Security Conference, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger awarded Senator John McCain the Ewald von Kleist Award for his services to transatlantic relations and to the Munich Security Conference. In his tribute to Senator McCain, former US Vice President Biden praised the senator’s contributions to America’s leadership in making the world stronger and Europe better.

Trump’s First Year with Dr. Jackson Janes

Featuring Jackson Janes on the Trans-Atlanticist. Andrew Sola explores the past, present, and future of relations between Europe and the United States with scholars, artists, authors, politicians, journalists, and business …

Understanding Uncertainty

“Today we find ourselves in a paradoxical situation. We enjoy all the achievements of modern civilization that have made our physical existence on this earth easier so in many important …