German-American Leadership


The Fate of Multilateralism: Can Civil Society Come to the Rescue?

Since the end of World War II, international cooperation has led to decades of unprecedented progress. From interconnected markets to the exchange of ideas and innovation, multilateral collaboration has set …

A New Approach to Europe?

Jeff Rathke Speaks at Helsinki Commission Briefing November 1, 2018 European countries and institutions like NATO and the European Union are our partners of first resort. And it is clear …

Merkel’s political exit is a kind of vindication for Trump

On what Chancellor Merkel’s decision to step down as CDU party leader could mean for President Trump and the transatlantic alliance, AGI President Emeritus Jack Janes tells The Washington Post, …

Trump’s ‘rogue killers’ comment is latest echo of suspect foreign talking points

“The surprising thing for most American observers is the president’s readiness to accept what appear to be very flimsy excuses for behavior that the United States generally has found reprehensible …

Jeff Rathke on Maybrit Illner Special: Methode Trump – Gefahr für Europas Demokratie?

AICGS President Jeff Rathke appeared on the Maybrit Illner Special “Methode Trump – Gefahr für Europas Demokratie?” on October 11, 2018.

Niklas Helwig, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Niklas Helwig as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2018. Prior to his research stay at the AGI, he was a Transatlantic Post-Doc …

Why were UN diplomats laughing at Trump?

On President Trump’s comments to the UN General Assembly on Germany’s reliance on Russian energy, AGI president Jeff Rathke tells CBS News in this article from September 25, “If you want …

Gerlinde Groitl, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Gerlinde Groitl as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in September 2018. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl serves as Assistant Professor of …

Germany and Russia:  A Reset?

Angela Merkel’s meeting with Vladimir Putin this past weekend in Meseberg is a sign of the beginning of a reset in the German relationship with Russia.  Putin arrived after having …

A Nuclear Germany Strengthens the Security of the West

The U.S. president’s semi-authoritarian attitude and his willingness to make friends with the enemies of democracy has exacerbated doubts about whether the West is at risk of breaking up. President …

How Germany became Donald Trump’s European punchbag

“Germany and its leadership are far from blameless for this state of affairs,” Senior Fellow Stephen F. Szabo tells the Financial Times in this article from August 2, 2018.

Germany in Trump’s Crosshairs

After the most recent visit to Washington by Chancellor Merkel in April, a German diplomat came away from the brief working meeting with the president with the clear conclusion that “Trump views Germany as the enemy.”