German-American Leadership


Should Germany Go Nuclear?

Should Germany go the route of France and the UK and develop its own independent nuclear weapons capability? Something which once seemed unthinkable is now back in the political discussion …

Understanding the U.S. from the American-German Situation Room

In early 2018, we spent four weeks as fellows of the American-German Situation Room (AGSR) in Washington, DC and New York City. The objective of our visit to the AGSR …

Keep Calm and Fill In the Gaps

A thoughtful response and an ambitious European agenda are Germany’s best options for the Trump era The world, America, and transatlantic relations have survived the first year of the Trump …

Back to Basics: Call for a Transatlantic Discussion on the Value of Migration and Democracy

Transatlantic estrangement has been going on for a while. And while it hurts Atlanticists, there is no point in trying and to “repair” U.S.-German relations for the sake of it. …

Assessing Transatlantic Fallout after the U.S. Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal

The U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has occasioned another round of reflection on the state and future of the transatlantic alliance. Though subject to significant skepticism and some …

Judy Asks: Can Europe Defend Multilateralism?

Featuring Stephen Szabo via Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe on May 17, 2018.

The Possible Merits of Trump’s Unpredictability

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump left no doubt about how he wanted to approach foreign and security policy as U.S. president: “We must as a nation become more unpredictable.” …

Germany and the United States: The Strategic Triangle in the Transatlantic Relationship

On May 4, 2018, a group of high-profile American and German government officials, think tank experts, and industry leaders came together at AGI to discuss transatlantic interests and strategies toward …

The Future of Transatlantic Relations: Necessary and Possible Cooperation at Two Levels

The traditional transatlantic alliance, based on common values and strategic cooperation, is seriously questioned. The U.S. has been turning away from its role as a strong leader and reliable partner …

Sascha Lohmann, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Sascha Lohmann as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in May 2018. Mr. Lohmann is a Fritz Thyssen Fellow at …

Germany 2030: Scenarios for Germany’s Leadership Role

Key Certainties and Uncertainties Shaping Germany’s Future Role  Both teams identified certainties: Germany will remain Europe’s largest economy and an open democratic polity. Germany will have an aging population. Germany …

Trump: No Iran Nukes Even if Agreement Folds

Standing alongside Germany’s chancellor, U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized on Friday that Iran would not be permitted to build a nuclear arsenal, even if a deal intended to prevent that …