German-American Leadership


Obama and Merkel in Berlin: News Roundup

President Obama made his final trip overseas as president this week, meeting with his trusted partner, German chancellor Angela Merkel.  AGI has compiled a brief reading list of news from the …

Not Yet the End of the World

When Barack Obama meets with Angela Merkel in Berlin next week, it will be the last time they will meet as President and Chancellor. Not only is it an opportunity for …

After Obama: The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

On January 20 2017, President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump will inherit Barack Obama’s legacy, just as Mr Obama still uses George W Bush’s tenure as a reference for …

Merkel: One More Time

Yogi Bera – that immortal American philosopher – once said that it is tough to make predictions, especially about the future. Well, here is one prediction. A year from now, …

Germany’s World: Power and Followership in a Crisis-Ridden Europe

In his recent essay in Global Affairs, AGI Non-Resident Fellow Gunther Hellmann explores how Germany, given its central role in Europe and the EU, looks at its environment and how …

Merkel On the Brink? Germany at a crossroad of domestic and foreign policy change

The domestic political disquiet over the refugees since the March 13 state elections in Germany has not subsided. On the contrary, the debate about German identity and the chancellor’s governance …

Chief Facilitator: The Legacy of Hans-Dietrich Genscher

The passing of Hans-Dietrich Genscher marks another milestone in the unique history of the leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany. His life and career embody the path of the …

Genscher and Genscherism

The career and success of Hans-Dietrich Genscher, who died at age 89 on March 30, illustrate the strength of continuity in office. Such continuity has long been a feature of …

Hans-Dietrich Genscher: A Life of Longing for Stability

The resounding response from the press to the death of Hans-Dietrich Genscher reminds us of how much German political equilibrium depends on the existence of central, idealized, larger-than-life figures.  Mr. …

Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Remembrance of a German Statesman

Hans-Dietrich Genscher was German foreign minister when I first met him.  On 1 October 1982, I was in Bonn to consult with Wolfgang Ischinger, his office director.  Our meeting was …

Hans-Dietrich Genscher: Recollections

Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s impact on politics in Germany did not begin with foreign policy but in domestic politics and that is where I met him first. As Minister of the Interior …

Germans Go To The Polls

While many Americans were focused on the primaries underway in the U.S., on March 13, Germans in three states went to the polls to elect their state governments.  The first …