European Union


Stepping Over the Line: Schäuble Criticizes ECB

German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble was forced by Jens Weidmann,  president of the powerful Bundesbank, to publicly state that he fully respects the independence of the European Central Bank (ECB) …

British Referendum Pains and the EU Implications of BREXIT

On 23 June 2016, should a majority of British voters decide to leave the EU—nearly forty-five years after joining the Community—the EU would lose 17 percent of its GDP and …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Germany’s Role in the Euro Crisis: Berlin’s Quest for a More Perfect Monetary Union

The subtitle of this book, written by a former Research Fellow at AGI, is “Berlin’s Quest for a More Perfect Monetary Union.” The author has reviewed Germany’s efforts to find …

Germany’s Outlook on Global Economic Growth

In an article in the International Business Times, AGI President Dr. Jack Janes weighs in on Germany’s role in and outlook toward global economic growth in advance of the G-20 …

Beyond the Numbers: Humanitarian Crisis Rips Europe Apart

It was supposed to be a light-hearted cocktail party celebrating the Munich Security Conference’s (MSC) special newspaper edition, The Security Times. On the evening of his signature conference, MSC chair …

The Next Generation’s Global Order

For the eighth straight year, the Koerber Stiftung’s Munich Young Leaders (MYL) Program brought together twenty-five foreign and security policy professionals under the age of 40 for discussions with selected …

International Cyber Agenda: Balance between Privacy and Security Urgently Needed

Days before Apple was ordered to turn over the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino attackers who killed fourteen in December, cyber experts clashed at the Munich Security Conference …

Obama and Merkel Craft Their Approaches to Islam, Refugees

In both the United States and Germany, tensions have risen regarding the influx of refugees and relations with domestic and asylum-seeking Muslims. Early this month, President Barack Obama visited the …

EU/U.S. Data Transfers: New Privacy Shield – How Does It Look and What Happens Next?

The EU is acting at breakneck speed to fill the legal gap that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) created in October, invalidating the Safe Harbor Agreement for EU/U.S. data …

Missing a Chance, Again

In this article from the Berlin Policy Journal, AGI Trustee Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger calls for Europe to demonstrate its leadership and a common foreign policy in ending the civil war …

Golden Opportunity – The Refugee Crisis’s Economic Potential for Germany

Last fall at the 2015 Frankfurt Auto Show, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board at Daimler AG, Head of Mercedes-Benz, and recipient of the 2015 Global Leadership Award abruptly …

China: A New Partner for Europe in the Middle East

For those who wished for an improvement in the Middle East, the New Year certainly started with plenty of disappointments. Drastic deterioration of Saudi-Iranian relations, calamitous attacks in Afghanistan and …