European Union


„Splendid Isolation“ im 21. Jahrhundert? Historische Hintergründe des Brexit

Das Vereinigte Königreich hätte auch im Falle seines Verbleibes in der EU weiter um seine Sonderrechte gekämpft, nur ausgesuchte Projekte und Maßnahmen des Integrationswerkes akzeptiert und wäre somit ein unbequemer …

Brexit’s Alarm Bell

Is Brexit a warning shot or a mortal wound for the European project? “What is past is prologue,” wrote Shakespeare in The Tempest, a play about the fragility of life …

What’s Going on in Europe — A view from the Deutsche Bundesbank

A Speech by Dr. Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank In a recent speech delivered at the World Affairs Council and American Council on Germany …

Brexit Clouds TTIP Negotiations But May Not Scupper Deal

With Britain’s decision to leave the EU, the clouds of uncertainty hanging over the proposed US-EU free trade deal (known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP) have …

Brexit and German-Russian Relations

What are the implications of Britain leaving the EU for Germany in the context of its relations with Russia? First, chancellor Merkel is losing an important ally in the EU …

Enhanced Cooperation for Europe: Is there a Way out of the Impasse of Integration Politics?

The Grand Coalition just cannot get rid of the hot potato called Europe. The governing parties are arguing with great persistence about the solutions and answers to the European crises …

The Dawning or Dimming of Europe

Twenty five years ago—as the Balkan wars were descending into hell—Jacques Poos, the then-Prime Minister of Luxembourg, declared that “the hour of Europe has dawned.” That declaration followed the unification …

Berlin’s Brexit Blues: A Plan to Keep Calm and Carry On

Queen Elizabeth, the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch, undertook what was, perhaps, her final state visit last year. Of all the places she could have traveled to, she chose Germany, the …

Facing Immigrant Integration Challenges in German and U.S. Cities

Conflicts around the globe—especially those in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia—are forcing millions to leave their homes in search of a safer, productive life in a new community. The United …

Germany’s Grand Scheme of the Internet of Things: The Pursuit for Digitalization

“The very notion of a grand scheme of things is a nightmarish obscenity.” – Thomas Ligotti, author of Songs of a Dead Dreamer In the years since the Great Recession …

Obama’s Farewell Tour

Eight years ago, we watched an American rock star perform on a hot summer day in Berlin. That he was also a young, black politician seemed a revelation to the …

After the IMF Meetings, Will Germany Embrace Trudeaumania?

Trudeaumania 2.0—the sense of hope and optimism once again coming from a young, liberal prime minister north of the border—has so far found greatest resonance in concrete steps like an …