The Tasks Ahead
Listen to any European or American leader talk about the transatlantic relationship these days and you will hear a handful of common refrains. Major policy addresses of this kind often …

Beyond Spying: How to Save the U.S.-German Alliance
While Washington fumbled the NSA clash with Germany, Berlin too has had a hand in stoking the heated debate over U.S. surveillance programs. Public denunciations and empty promises of retaliation …

Rebuilding the Relationship: The Undeniable Ties Between the United States and Germany
In the wake of the recent espionage scandal, it is time for the U.S. and Germany to start cleaning up the damage and rebuild the relationship. Geopolitical hotheads on both …

Dealing with Distrust: A German-American Dilemma
The Germans are once again angry with Washington. News stories about an alleged mole in Germany’s intelligence services, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), providing state secrets to Americans has outraged the entire …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The New Digital Age
Chancellor Merkel was right in saying that when it comes to the digital world we are in “Neuland.” Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen agree. The opening sentence to their book, …
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Franco-German Relations: A River Runs Through It
While sharing a common border for centuries, France and Germany have always had deep differences going back even to the days before the two countries even existed. Julius Caesar had …
The Evolving Reaction to Electronic Eavesdropping
The spectrum of dramatically differing U.S. and German reactions to the revelation of National Security Agency (NSA) eavesdropping of electronic communications, along with the parallel domestic debates in both countries, …
Towards Closing the Cyber Sanitation Gap
While the revelations of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about state-sponsored intrusions into online privacy have been deeply unsettling to many, the growing everyday threats to our online activities posed …
Security Breach at Target Corp Highlights Importance of Research on Cyber Security
This morning, Target Corps released that there has been a security breach, and about 40 million credit and debit cards have been accessed from customers of Target stores (not online) …
Cyber Security in the New Computing Age: Protection Roles by the Private Sector vs. the Government
Serious cyber-attacks against public and private sector organizations are increasing in frequency and severity. Watch these clips from this panel of the AICGS Annual Symposium for a discussion of cyber security with emphasis on the role of the private sector and the government.
Five Eyes or More?
A “no-spy” agreement is currently popular among the German public and its leaders, but the perceived benefit may outpace any actual advantages. AICGS Senior Research Program Associate Parke Nicholson explains why and argues for a “Five Eyes plus One” (E5+1) as a better alternative.
Where is the Core of the Debate?: Surveillance and the Media
Writing for the ninth issue of Medium Magazine, AICGS President Dr. Jackson Janes returns to the ongoing, but overshadowed, controversy over NSA surveillance. Edward Snowden has catalyzed the old civil liberties debate by introducing the implications of the digital age. Will this debate last?