Carbon Management
A New Pathway for Transatlantic Cooperation? In the wake of the proliferation of net-zero emissions targets, a cluster of technologies has witnessed a resurgence in interest. Carbon management, which encompasses …

Loss and Damage: Why the Transatlantic Partnership Must Lead
The world’s most vulnerable nations are bearing the brunt of climate change’s destructive power. From unprecedented flooding in South Asia to devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean, the cost of inaction …

AGI Profiles: Sarah Ryglewski
Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor Transitioning from the Ministry of Finance to the Federal Chancellery in 2021, Sarah Ryglewski currently manages federal-state relations as the Minister of State …

Maximilan Schiffers, NRW Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Maximilian Schiffers as an NRW Fellow at AGI from May to June 2024. Dr. Maximilian Schiffers is a postdoctoral researcher at the NRW School …

The Biden Administration Internationalizes its Trade Policy
In the last month, both at home and abroad, the Biden administration has stepped up its engagement on the potentially game-changing yet currently languishing role of trade policy in advancing …
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Transatlantic Climate Statecraft and Global Economic Order
Part I: A Pluralist International Economic Landscape After World War II the United States, several European countries, and other liberal democracies promoted a vision of international economic relations that was …

Back to Reason!
The Constitutional Court’s decision is an opportunity for a far-reaching political change. The Traffic Light Coalition should seize it. This article originally appeared in German in WirtschaftsWoche on November 25, …

Toward a Sustainable Global Economy
The Potential and Limits of a Climate Club and other Plurilateral Initiatives Climate change, loss of biodiversity, pandemics, widening economic inequalities and poverty, high debt and shrinking fiscal space, financial …

The U.S.-EU Summit and the Double Irony of GASSA
There are two ironies in the absence of an agreement on a “Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum” (GASSA) at last Friday’s U.S.-EU summit in Washington, where President Biden …

Daniel Rasch, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Daniel Rasch as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2023. Daniel Rasch is a researcher in public policy and public administration with …

Geoeconomics and A Sustainable Global Order
Transatlantic Policy Perspectives The United States, Germany, and the rest of the European Union face a global economic order that has been profoundly—and likely irreversibly—affected by a confluence of existential …

AGI Profiles: Jennifer Lee Morgan
State Secretary for Climate and Special Envoy for International Climate Action Including climate policy as an area of responsibility of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Minister Annalena Baerbock …

One Year of the IRA
Assessing the Impact on Europe’s Clean Energy Industry A U.S. Climate Action Milestone The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been hailed by many as the most “important climate action in …

The Illusion of Effortless Prosperity
This article originally appeared in German in Die WELT. Germany is in decline. Not just since the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war—the relevant performance indicators have been trending negative …