

“Othering” Across and Beyond the Pond

During a recent discussion about the problematic state of the transatlantic relationship, someone explained that we needed to realize that important parts of the American political establishment and their voters …

How Much Can Education Serve as a Mechanism for the Integration of Minorities and Immigrants?

Experiences from Germany and the United States In both the United States and Germany education is key for the successful integration of society and an acceptance of diversity. Diversity education, …

Rainbow Politics: Comparing LGBT+ Rights in Germany and the United States

On October 1, 2017, Karl Kreile and Bodo Mende exchanged vows at the town hall in Schöneberg—the first same-sex couple married in Germany. More than two years earlier, the United …

Report and Executive Summary: Bonn International Security Forum

From November 18-20, 2018, the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG) of Bonn University and the American-German Institute (AGI) of Johns Hopkins University hosted the third Bonn International Security …

Episode 03: Burdensharing within NATO: Do more, spend more?

No relationship is without its difficulties and disagreements, not even between societies as close as the U.S. and Europe.  For almost as long as NATO has existed, Washington has wanted …

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Human remains of Ovaherero and Nama: Transnational dynamics in post-genocidal restitutions

Former DAAD/AGI Research Fellow Elise Pape’s latest article is now available. Published in Volume 4, Issue 2 of Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, the article builds on Dr. Pape’s …

The Radicalization of the Extreme Right

The Rallies in Charlottesville in August 2017 and Chemnitz in August 2018 In August 2017, members of multiple far-right movements rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, with the goals of uniting the …

Transatlantic Relations after the Midterms

A Fresh Start or Further Decline? Since President Trump began implementing his vision of “America First” two years ago, European partners have been concerned whether a more unilateral and transactional …

German and U.S. International Assistance: Closer Than You Think

In the face of strained relations, could international cooperation support reconciliation between the United States and Germany? Complementarities in approach and interests indicate yes. The United States and Germany topped …

Mothers: Remembering Three Women on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht

Ida was terrified. She figured she would never see either her husband or brother ever again. For several days she fretted, not knowing what to do. While desperately trying to …

Building a European Germany: Next Steps? 

In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall—and subsequent German unity—was a dream come true for Germans. Over the next few years the dream of a larger Europe, whole and …

Episode 02: The Wall: Legacy of Divided Berlin

When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, it was a surprise to many. For an entire generation, the Berlin Wall was the most iconic physical manifestation of the …