

Migration – A Global Reality or Threat

On December 12, 164 nations ratified the United Nations-Migration Pact (or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) at a UN conference in Marrakesh, the very first of its …

Negative Campaigning in the U.S Midterm Elections: Role Model or Warning for German Campaign Strategies?

Negativity has always been a part of American election campaigns. As early as 1828, President Andrew Jackson invented “coffin handbills”—similar to what we would call a flyer or pamphlet today—to …

Negative Campaigning in the U.S Midterm Elections and Implications for Germany

As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in November and December 2018, Susanne Thelen examined the differences between German and American campaign strategies, asking: Can U.S. campaign strategies serve as a role …

Episode 04: One of the Largest Deals Ever Made: Talking Trump, China, and Trade

On December 1, President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping met during the G-20 summit in Argentina and agreed, it seems, to put the economic disputes on ice.  No raising …

Never Again!

A Historical Survey of Anti-Semitism in Germany between 1933 and 1935 and Implications for Contemporary Debates When an anti-Semitic loner killed 11 members of a Jewish congregation in Pittsburgh in …

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The Dilemmas of Promoting Gender Equality in Times of Polarization

The political landscapes in both countries are characterized by increasing polarization. In the U.S., a man became president who makes a spectacle of himself through derogative language and who tends …

A European Army: The Wrong Choice for Germany Among Greater Defense Woes

French president Emmanuel Macron’s call for a European army at the beginning of November was met with some justified eye-rolling on both sides of the Atlantic.  Chancellor Merkel and defense …

Germany’s Road Ahead: Four Years into the Munich Consensus

It seems that Germany has come a long way since February 2014 when decision-makers proclaimed the “Munich consensus.” In it, then-federal president Joachim Gauck, then-foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (who has …

The CDU Faces Pressure to Move Right—That Could Backfire

Today, Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is meeting in Hamburg to choose a new leader—a decision with massive ramifications for national and European politics. This moment represents the first opportunity …

Will Merkel’s Retreat Spark German Foreign Policy Renewal?

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has ruled Germany since 2005 and for 49 of the past 69 years—its election of a new party leader December 7 will have far-reaching impact …

Negative Campaigning in the U.S. Midterm Elections

Role Model or Warning for German Campaign Strategies? Negativity has long been a part of American election campaigns, and the 2018 midterm campaign was no exception. In the lead-up to …

Bridging Troubled Waters: Civil Societies in Dark Times of Transatlantic Partnership

Much of the focus of our work (and that of our predecessors) in the AGI NextGen project has focused on the reconciliatory role of “good” civil society in a challenging …