USTR’s Promising Start for Transatlantic Economic Relations
On Monday, the Biden administration released the 2021 Trade Policy Agenda and 2020 Annual Report, an annual event that the 1974 U.S. trade act requires take place by March 1. …

Peter Rashish on Trade Pact between Mercosur and EU in Argentina’s Perfil
Una perspectiva estratégica: Los benficios de un modelo alternativo basado en normas consensuadas y bien establecidas was published in Argentina’s Perfil newspaper on August 29, 2019. An English translation is …
AGI Senior Fellow Sarah Lohmann Speaks on Big Data and Cybersecurity in Ottawa
Washington, DC, Oct. 11, 2018 – AGI Senior Fellow and Manager of AGI’s Cybersecurity Programs Sarah Lohmann spoke on the opportunities for innovation provided by big data and cybersecurity at …

After NAFTA: What the USMCA Means for Germany and Europe
October 1 saw the birth of the “United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement” that will replace NAFTA, the 25-year old accord that governed trade among the three North American countries. While the EU …
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The G20 Trifecta
Germany – Argentina – Japan: Not a list of three regional soccer powerhouses, but rather the troika of past, current, and future presidency countries of the G20. On December 1, …
Transatlantic Investment Protections: Convergence or Sticking Point for the TTIP?
This paper is about the controversy swirling around foreign direct investment rules generally, and recent U.S. and European experiences in helping reshape their design. When this research project was proposed …
Looking for Insight into the Future of Transatlantic Economic Ties? Watch What Happens to NAFTA.
2016 was a tumultuous year in the political economy of trade. Populists have been on the march nearly everywhere—slowed, perhaps temporarily, by Dutch elections two weeks ago. At times, the …

After the IMF Meetings, Will Germany Embrace Trudeaumania?
Trudeaumania 2.0—the sense of hope and optimism once again coming from a young, liberal prime minister north of the border—has so far found greatest resonance in concrete steps like an …
Why Companies Should Invest in the Caribbean Workforce
Germany’s dual education and apprenticeship system has kept unemployment comparatively low through the financial crisis and helped businesses that invest in Germany to thrive. This can and should be adapted …