Foreign & Security Policy

The AGI Foreign & Security Policy Program addresses German security policy, the foreign policy cooperation between the U.S. and Germany, and the transatlantic defense relationship.

Merkel’s European Message

A version of Dr. Jackson Janes’ recent At Issue essay appeared in The Globalist on November 1, 2011: Merkel’s European Message.

Dr. Jackson Janes interviewed in Der Spiegel

Dr. Jackson Janes interviewed in “Mr. No entdeckt seine Liebe zu den USA,” by Gregor Peter Schmitz, Der Spiegel, May 11, 2011.

No More ‘Guido Who?’

Dr. Jackson Janes quoted in “No More ‘Guido Who?’ Westerwelle’s Libyan Stance Irks Washington,” Der Spiegel, March 30, 2011.

Wahlergebnis Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Die Landtagswahlen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern waren eine Nebenwahl. Nur rund 1,4 Millionen Wähler wurden an die Wahlurne gerufen. Nur 51 Prozent beteiligten sich an der Stimmabgabe. Immer weniger entscheiden damit über immer mehr. Die Wahlbeteiligung war eine Reaktion auf die Stimmung im Land. Große Koalitionen (SPD/CDU) lähmen systematisch den Parteienwettbewerb. Polarisierungen sind nicht zu erwarten. Somit auch keine echte Mobilisierung. In der Regel verlieren die Juniorpartner in Großen Koalitionen am Wahltag. So auch in Schwerin. Die CDU verlor 5,7 Prozentpunkte, hingegen steigerte sich die SPD um 5,5 Prozentpunkte. Vermutlich bleibt somit alles beim Alten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Euro in Limbo

Germany is (one) key to the future of the Euro. Germany is a country endowed with a Chancellor who is capable and willing to lead. It is, however, also a …

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Saying “Yes” to the euro in Germany: from piano to forte!

At any wedding celebration, the audience usually expects a loud and firm “Yes”. In European politics these days, Germany’s partners expect a loud and firm “Yes” to whatever proposal for …

Markets and Merkel: fear and hope

What has the latest round of market turbulence told us about the Euro crisis?

First, that nobody in the Eurozone is safe from contagion.

Second, the politicians are finally realizing that things can get much worse much faster than they ever thought possible.

And finally, that Angela Merkel may yet achieve her goal of closer European integration – with the help of the financial markets.
Chancellor Merkel has long been distrustful of the markets − and the feeling is mutual. Both have blamed the other for an ever-deepening crisis across Europe. More recently, though, both sides might have woken up to the fact that becoming allies would not be that outlandish.

Transatlantic Trade and Globalization

In this week’s AICGS Podcast, Dr. Jackson Janes talks with Klaus Deutsch (Deutsche Bank Research), Oliver Wieck (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.), and Alexander Privitera (Washington-based Special Correspondent for German news channel N24) about the challenges facing transatlantic trade relations in an increasingly fragile global economic environment.

The Muslim-American Muddle

In his in-depth article “The Muslim-American Muddle” from National Affairs, Professor Peter Skerry examines the identity and crises of Muslim-Americans. While already dealing with being stereotyped by non-Muslim Americans as terrorists, Muslim-Americans must also navigate the many ethnic divisions within their own population. A new approach, argues Professor Skerry, is necessary to move forward.

What the EU Did Next – A Compilation

While the recent general outlook on the future of the European Union has been filled with excessive doom and gloom, it is largely misplaced, writes Non-Resident Fellow Almut Möller in a collection titled “What the EU Did Next.” There is still hope for the EU, but significant work needs to be done; turning the EU from a liability into a solution will be a difficult task yet one that needs to be tackled. This volume of essays from the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) focuses on the EU’s undervalued strengths and how these strengths can be used to revitalize parts of the EU agenda in an effort to refocus the EU for success in the future.

Why Germany is Leading From Behind

With so much resting on the euro for Germany, why does Chancellor Merkel continue to avoid taking full control of the reigns in Europe? In his essay Why Germany is Leading From Behind, which originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal on November 4, 2011, Josef Joffe, Editor of Die Zeit and AICGS trustee, argues that Germany has a lot to lose in the current euro zone crisis. While the markets most often look to Angela Merkel for answers, it seems that a case of history is holding her back from truly leading her European counterparts.

Europe’s New Message: My Way or the Drachma Highway

Greece’s call for a referendum on the bail-out has been rescinded. The next tranche of funds for Greece from the IMF appears to be safe. According to his essay Europe’s New Message: My Way or the Drachma Highway, Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, Research Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and frequent AICGS contributor, argues this was the goal behind Greek Prime Minster George Papandreou’s call for a referendum. However, his potentially term ending move may have had another, more lasting effect: the threat of kicking member states out of the monetary union is now officially on the table.