Dear Friends of the transatlantic relations, Dear Friends of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, The U.S. Department of State has cut funding for the CBYX program by 50% for the 2015-2016 …
Opposing Islamization: The PEGIDA Movement in Germany
Founding and Background Since October 20, 2014, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident (PEGIDA, Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes) has organized weekly Monday demonstrations or evening …
Second Life of Political Leaders: A Case Study of Adolf Hitler
The Role of Adolf Hitler’s Image in American Popular Culture In recent times, the term “second life” relates to a web game in which people create characters of themselves. However, they …
Apprenticeship Loyalty in Hannover
Today we went to the MMBbS, an information technology and media vocational training school two hours south of Berlin by train, and learned about the school that was built on …
Dual System Dilemmas
Germany was derided not too long ago as the “sick man of Europe” after years of economic malaise. It is now lauded as the world’s Exportweltmeister; its current-account surplus even …
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Support Our WorkMuslims in Germany: A Post-Crisis Update
The rise of anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe has been one the most of worrying trends in the wake of the euro crisis. Surprising gains by far-right and far-left parties in …
From the AGI Bookshelf: Out of the Tower: Essays on Culture and Everyday Life
When was the last time you had a bit more than a “muggeseggele Zeit” to think about what really makes up our everyday cultural lives? For those familiar with German …
Comfort Zones and Conflict Lines: How Germany Cares for Its Religions
In October 2013, Minister President and leader of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, gave an outline of his understanding of freedom of religion and the relationship between state, churches, …
Shaping Transatlantic Solutions: Challenges of the 2012 and 2013 Elections
The U.S. elections in 2012 and the German elections in 2013 demonstrate that, despite their geographic distance, the two countries are confronted by both similar and shared problems: debt crises, …
Once Upon a Time, It Was a Man’s World: Women in Conservative Parties in Germany and the U.S.
With a gain of 7.7 percent or roughly four million electoral votes[1] in the recent federal elections, the German Christian Conservatives brought in the best results since 1990. That success …