
Our societies are changing on both sides of the Atlantic thanks to demographic change, immigration and integration, and regional differences—among other factors. Greater understanding about our cultures, an open exchange about emerging issues, and fostering dialogue between different groups can help German and American societies build stronger internal and external connections and awareness.

A Transatlantic Investment Screening Dialogue is Too Important to Rush

Earlier this November, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released its 2017 report, recommending that the U.S. investment screening mechanism, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States …

The Transatlantic Mobility Challenge

The annual conference of the parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an important venue for stakeholders to highlight the blind spots of international …

Refugees, Terrorism, and a Failing Security Architecture: Germany’s Domestic Security after the Elections

In 2016, the domestic security situation in Germany deteriorated to a degree unknown since the “German autumn” in 1977, when the Red Army Faction or RAF began its campaign to …

Shattered by Glass: Working through Memories of Kristallnacht and Shanghai

We should learn from this story of the Shanghai Jews. But we haven’t learned.

European Defense: Just All Right?

In the 1980s British satire Yes, Prime Minister, when reeling at the cost of defense, the British prime minister asks wistfully whether they couldn’t just persuade the Americans to strengthen …

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Strengthening Transatlantic Ties on Digital Topics: Quick transatlantic wins in times of political uncertainty

It is beyond doubt that transatlantic relations are not in their best condition, in particular traditional areas of cooperation such as trade or security and defense. There is no real …

Understanding Russia

For most of the past 70 years, Germans and Americans have found themselves largely on the same side of issues related to Eastern Europe and Russia.  During the Cold War …

Herero Activists in the United States: Demanding Recognition and Reparation for the First Genocide of the Twentieth Century

Between 1904 and 1908, over 100 000 people were killed in the first genocide of the twentieth century.[1]  Only 20 percent of the Herero and about 50 percent of the …

Harnessing the Power of Civil Society

In 2012, the short documentary “Kony 2012” by the NGO Invisible Children created a social media blitz and massive public support for intervention against the warlord Joseph Kony in Uganda. …

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in the United States

AGI Minority Exchange Program The German-American youth exchange program on the theme “Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation” is an innovative program which establishes new connections between communities that …

Records of Shanghai: One Man’s Quest to Validate Memories of a Family’s Refugee Past

Eric Kisch is a historian.  Although he does not hold a Ph.D. and made a comfortable living as a market researcher, he is a historian nonetheless.  The signs are all …

German Election Results Highlight Old Divides Between East And West

Featuring Jack Janes via NPR on September 26, 2017.