Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

From the AGI Bookshelf: Coalition Challenges in Afghanistan: The Politics of Alliance

The war in Afghanistan is notable for two major things: it is the longest war in American history, and it has enjoyed as many accomplishments as it has been beset …

Das Paradox des Fortschritts

Jeder Vortrag, jeder Artikel fängt heutzutage mit demselben Satz an: Es geht der Wirtschaft eigentlich sehr gut. Von der Krise fast erholt. Handel und Technologie florieren. ABER   die Menschen sind …

Countering Jihadi Prison Radicalization in Germany and the U.S.

What, if anything, is being done in Germany or the United States to assess or address the issue of Jihadi prison radicalization? Prison radicalization moved to the top of Western …

Reaching a New Normalcy? Germany’s “New Responsibility” in Security Affairs

 In 1920, U.S. presidential candidate Warren G. Harding coined the word “normalcy” in reference to the end of the U.S.’ first major foreign military engagement and a return to concentration …

USA: Gegenwärtige FCC und FTC-Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Privacy

Die Federal Trade Commission (FTC) und die Federal Communications Commission (FCC) haben am  10.05.16 zwei getrennte Untersuchungsverfahren gegen  bestimmte TK-Anbieter und Hersteller von Smartphones etc. eingeleitet. Die US-Behörden wollen wissen, …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Dark Territory

The world of cybersecurity is a complicated maze of technology, politics, and policy, a constant competition among those who would harness all of them for good and/or ill. It is …

The New Head of Germany’s Foreign Intelligence Agency BND: A Noticeable Shift in Germany’s Internal Security Policy

Quite surprisingly, last Wednesday the German Chancellery confirmed the removal of Gerhard Schindler as president of the German Foreign Intelligence Agency (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND). Schindler will be officially replaced by Bruno …

Europe’s New Political Engine: Germany’s role in the EU’s foreign and security policy

A new report from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs looks at Germany’s role in European foreign and security policy, asking how dominant Germany has become within the EU.  It features analysis …

The Obama Security Strategy and Beyond: Implications for Germany and Europe

Barack Obama’s final year in office is one with the world in upheaval. It is also the year that will shape the security strategy for the next U.S. president. This …

German Domestic Relations a Roller Coaster for Migrants

Upon opening the high-level Geneva conference at the end of March, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated that the world must “address the biggest refugee crisis of our time.”  …

Privacy Shield for U.S. Data Transfers: Back to the Drawing Board

The European Commission may need to revise the draft proposal to meet the concerns expressed by the Article 29 Working Party. On 29 February 2016, the European Commission published a …

Capability, Reciprocity, and Luck

With a mixture of capability, reciprocity, and pure luck, Germany has so far avoided a Jihadi terrorist attack (with the exception of a “lone wolf” killing of two American soldiers …